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Tag Archives: dysthymia


Mild or chronic depression also known as Dysthymia is not as severe as major depression disorder. The symptoms in case of dysthymia can be around for a long period of time, may be two or three years too. It is seen that those who suffer from this disorder of dysthymia are bound to experience bouts of negative mood symptoms and major depression too. Dysthymia Causes Though there is a lot of research happening in this area, experts are still not able to figure out the exact causes of depression or dysthymia. Of course the genes or the hereditary factor can play a major role although it is not rare to see a person getting affected by this disorder although there is no family history of depression. The change in the level of brain chemicals that are produced in the brain can be a major cause. Dysthymia Symptoms Dysthymia Symptoms are almost the same as what we see in other cases of major depression although it may not be so intense. Some of the Dysthymia Symptoms are as follows •    Losing interest in things that was so enjoyable to them once upon a time •    Sudden change in weight and appetite •    Lack of sleep or excessive sleep on a daily basis •    Restlessness •    Loss of energy or feeling of fatigue almost every day •    feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness combined with excessive guilt •    Concentration problems and problems in decision making •    Suicidal thoughts Effects of Dysthymia It is ...

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