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Tag Archives: dysthymic disorder treated

Can Young Adults Outgrow Dysthymic Disorder

Dysthymic disorder can also be said as a depressive mood disorder, under which, the patient suffers with a chronic course and definitely a dangerous onset. People suffering with dysthymic disorder usually lead their lives with long term depression. This chronic mood disorder occurs with duration of at least 2 years and the patient majorly faces a depressed mood that is accompanied by at least 2 of the dysthymic disorder symptoms and what is hypnosis for depression such as poor appetite or overeating, hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, less self-esteem, poor concentration, poor decision making power, feeling of dullness and hopelessness. Dysthymic Disorder Information According to the available dysthymic disorder information, researchers have marked that it is really essential while diagnosing dysthymic disorder SAD symptoms that medical professional must make sure that no major depressive should have occurred in the first 2 years of the illness. Some medical professionals have also categorized dysthymic disorder into three course specifiers; first is known as early onset i.e. symptoms began before age 21 years, second is late onset i.e. symptoms began at age 21 years or later, and third is dysthymic disorder, which has some typical symptoms including increased appetite or weight gain, hypersomnia, a feeling of leaden paralysis, and extreme sensitivity to rejection. Dysthymic Disorder Effects Many people have misconception that dysthymic disorder is depression but this is really incorrect to say as depression has many types and dysthymic disorder is one of the chronic depression types, which has less severe but long-term symptoms ...

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