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Tag Archives: e pills abuse

E Pills Abuse and Addiction

Ecstasy is a quite powerful little, natural antidepressant. It has the power to completely shift your mood from really depressed to the happiest you’ve ever been. Whether you decide to take pure ecstasy (also known as “Molly”) or simply pop some E PILLS, this sensation is why it’s one of the most used drugs today. However, there are still plenty of bad points to it. For one, it can be pretty addicting. And addiction to drugs is something to look out for, as dangers occur with the drug. But before you can learn to avoid the addiction, you must first learn to avoid E PILLS abuse. Knowing the proper E PILLS abuse information, including the several E PILLS abuse effects, can help users understand just how to avoid the E PILLS abuse effects that can potentially lead to addiction. The E in Ecstasy Before you know the difference between addiction and abuse of ecstasy, here’s a brief lesson for you to understand exactly (or at least basically) what ecstasy is. Ecstasy is a natural antidepressant. It is “natural” because of the fact that it comes from a natural source. Well, pure MDMA (another term for ecstasy) is, at least. Manufactured E typically has other drugs, such as LSD, mixed in with it. Anyway, the “antidepressant” part has something to do with how it affects the brain. Basically, E launches large amounts of serotonin into the brain, causing an amazing feeling of…well…ecstasy. There are several side-effects, however, such as depression. After ...

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E Pills More Common In Europe

The ecstasy pills which are also known as the E PILLS are meant to provide the person consuming them with ample relief from stress by giving him a peaceful mind through the changes made in the brain. The E PILLS perform various processes by which the serotonin levels change. The serotonin is responsible for the transferring of messages through the brain to entire body. It also controls various mental states like the memory, intelligence, and presence of mind. But when a person makes an E PILLS Abuse, then he has to face the hazardous E PILLS Abuse effects. Therefore it is always beneficial to be upgraded with the right E PILLS Abuse information to avoid the hazardous effects. There are many other medications which can perform the same task of E PILLS which are known as natural antidepressants. They can be surely good health wise, as they have low side effects as compared to the dangerous E PILLS. E Pills Abuse If we follow the right E PILLS Abuse information, then we will be able to know that the drug abuse is always hazardous even if we have the medications to deal with the after effects. The E PILLS Abuse effects include excessive depression, fatigue and tired feeling. The energy provided by the E PILLS can turn into a nightmare as the E PILLS Abuse effects take the sleep away. High amount of insomnia is therefore a major effect of the E PILLS abuse. The E PILLS are more famous ...

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E Pills Effects On Intelligence

Whenever the word depression comes to mind, the related and the immediate word that comes to be known is the natural antidepressant. The natural antidepressants are major advancement in terms of medications that can be made to cure depression. They are also available in the form of oil extracts, tablets etc which can be used in a certain limit to get the much needed effects for a happy state of mind. They are considered as a magical medication as far as the depression is considered and they can cure the major factors such as insomnia and fatigue too. They are developed by the help of plants. The examples of natural antidepressants are St. Johns Wort and 5-HTP. The E PILLS were developed for the similar purpose but they were abused on a large extent. E Pills Information The MDMA as it is scientifically known, was introduces as a pill to provide a person instant energy. Plus, it also served the purpose of giving pleasure and emotional warmth to the person whose state of mind is not stable. Therefore it acted like an antidepressant. But later it became hazardous as it gained lot of popularity as a rave party drug and started showing side effects. It also caused many deaths. Therefore, E PILLS Abuse began to take place by people from all age groups who knew the E PILLS Abuse effects but still moved on. Such people didn’t care about gathering the right E PILLS Abuse information, or even if they ...

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Where Do E Pills Come From

What are E Pills? What is ecstasy or molly? In what form ecstasy is available? How does it look like? Which situation or condition forces the person to take E Pills? What are the main ingredients of Ecstasy? What does Ecstasy Pills come from? What are the street names for Ecstasy? What are the side effects of E PILLS? It is vital to know about Ecstasy. It is necessary to collect in-depth E PILLS Information. Conduct a survey online to find out E PILLS Information, how it is made, what the ingredients are, why they are taken, where they are available, and what the E PILLS Effects on human body are. E Pills Information Just like LSD, alcohol, heroin, etc Ecstasy also belongs to drugs family. Ecstasy is a synthetic and psychoactive drug that is chemically similar as stimulant methamphetamine. Ecstasy is made up of hallucinogen and methamphetamine or amphetamine. MDMA (Methylene-Dioxymethyl Amphetamine) which is a synthetic chemical that is extracted from essential oil of sassafras tree is the main factor of Ecstasy. Different chemicals are synthesized in the laboratory for making Ecstasy. This drug includes caffeine, cocaine, chalk, amphetamines, Dextromethorphan, and several harmful factors. It has similar hallucinogenic properties to LSD and amphetamines. Ecstasy Street Names The popular street name for Ecstasy is MDMA. It is also popular as Adam, XTC, E, X, M & M, 007, Cloud 9, Essence, Hug, Beans, Pills, etc. Ecstasy is a designer drug and is also popular as ‘love drug’. Ecstasy is sold ...

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Raves and E Pills

Rave parties and ecstasy usually mix together like peanut butter and chocolate; ecstasy makes whoever uses it much more content than usual and rave parties help to amplify the effect it has. Ecstasy, which is also called E, can be addictive, though. The positive effect this natural antidepressant has on people just makes it tough to not be addicted to it, sooner or later. At least, that’s how it is for some people. At the very least, be cautious of E PILLS abuse, because the effect the drug has on you may be too overwhelming for you to handle… What E Pills Are E is the typical drug-of-choice at many rave parties. The purpose of it is to make the user a lot happier and feel a lot more like chilling with people, whether they are friends of yours or complete strangers. The fact of the matter is that you enjoy just about everything, and so you are more likely to have fun. This is because the drug releases large amounts of serotonin into the brain, and serotonin is the chemical that causes happiness. What E PILLS Abuse Is Like E is a drug that makes people extremely happy. With that said, that also means that it’s easy to abuse it. The basic knowledge of E PILLS abuse information for you to note is that it is when a person uses a drug in order to abuse its effects on them in order to change the way they feel about ...

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Impure E Pills

As a basic rule in unethical business practices, as the demand for product increases, if the same price is to be sustained, compromise on its quality occurs. The street price of E pills has fallen over the years. In 1988, where an e pills sold for $35, the drop has been a significant one and now you can purchase an e pills for $10 merely. If you go for purchasing an entire stock, you may even get them for as low as $ 3 to $5 if you buy 50 tablets. Therefore, we see that price of a product depends on a number of factors including its rarity, the seller, location and most importantly quality. E Pills Information Ecstasy is an illegal drug and therefore the manufacturers are not subjected to quality check and regulation control. The only way to find out if an E pill is real or fake is to pop it in or through laboratory tests, which are a more satisfied way of knowing what its constituents are.  An ecstasy pill in its essence should contain MDMA, which is 3-4 of Methylendioxymethylamphetamine. A synthetic chemical can be obtained from essentials of the sassafras trees. MDMA is known to alter the state of mind of the consumer. Ecstasy tablets contain psychoactive substance such an amphetamine and LSE as part of E pills information. E Pills Effects For people who would be reading up on e pills information would know that the quality of E pills around the world ...

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Myths about E PILLS

There is much that goes in colleges and universities a chunk of which has nothing to do with studies. The new generation is talented enough but without competition it is very difficult to survive. It is due to constant pressure on them, that they put in efforts to get relieved of pressure and for this partying and an effective natural antidepressant seems to be an effective remedy for such groups. Some of the urban legends that circulate within the college and universities relate to the use of party drugs and their desirability. E Pills Information Every year that the student passes out, there is a new year lying ahead in which they have to work harder than the previous year, and excel well in every exam possible. At the parties, one of the most common drugs taken is E PILLS besides various other drugs, as well as alcohol and smoking. Most of the party goers are into the habit of taking very strong drug doses and are on the look out for an intense high. Myths about E PILLS need to be understood well. Besides this one of the most important things that he experiences as per E PILLS information is that he feels that he is free from any future burden that can lead to added stress to the student. To get relieved from all the burdens temporarily, one of the drugs that are commonly taken is MDMA or ecstasy natural antidepressant or E pills. A certain sense of ...

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E Pills Side Effects

The medicines are made to cure one’s diseases and infections. Some are meant to cure major disorders too. But everything has some side effects after a certain extent. Same is the case with the E Pills use. E PILLS also known as MDMA and ecstasy pills are mainly developed to relieve a person from depression. They are made to enhance the mental ability, mood and strength. Positive Effects From E Pills Some of the positive effects which are the main goal of the E Pills use are emotional warmth and joy. The Effects of E PILLS also include sheer pleasure and energy. The palpitations become slightly faster than normal. The person who makes the E Pills use goes through a feeling of wellbeing. Therefore, all in all, the pill is for a positive mindset and physical energy. But the effects of E PILLS are in both forms. That is, the positive form and the negative form. Therefore a person consuming the ecstasy pills should have ample information on them they are hazardous if consumed out of proportion. Such information is available on the internet as well as in health magazines. The E Pills use must be done below a certain level. Negative Effects From E Pills When this level is crossed purposely or accidentally, it results into many side effects. The effects of E PILLS can be hazardous. The noticeable effects are extreme headache and dizziness. As the E Pills use is concerned mainly with the brain, these symptoms after ...

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Overdose on E Pills

Are you one of those who take ecstasy pills regularly? Are you aware about all ecstasy facts and associated side effects? Every individual who takes ecstasy pills needs to get appropriate ecstasy information including probable side effects of E pills and ecastcy comedown as well. E Pills Facts While searching ecstasy facts through internet or books, you will come to know how complex the effects of MDMA on the human body and brain are. It interacts with different neurochemical systems and induces release of natural antidepressants like norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. It directly acts on a number of receptors and promotes the release of different hormones like DHEA, prolactin, ACTH, oxytocin. There has been lots of research on natural antidepressant, ecstasy dose, associated side effects and ecastcy comedown. Because of the difference between the lethality and recreational dose, it is very rare for a death to be accredited just because of E pills. While searching ecstasy information, you will know that while a typical recreational dose is about 100 to 150 mg, this dose is frequently repeated; however it remains well lower than the lethal dose. It is one of the important ecstasy facts that consumption of the E pills can be self-reinforcing whilst under the sway, and overdoses can happen. E Pills Effects Individuals who are overweight or those who have high blood pressure or diabetes are at a greater risk of overdose death due to any stimulant. These people should avoid E pills or similar drugs. It is ...

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E Pills Abuse

When the term abuse is used to describe the consumption of a drug, it refers to a specific type of pattern of use of a certain substance, in this case, E PILLS. The term maladaptive is used here to describe the nature of this abuse meaning that one has not appropriately adjusted to the environment around him/her and because of that, is being attracted towards the consumption of a drug. E PILL abuse is no different from any other drug abuse. In clinical terms, the phrase drug abuse means to misuse prescription drugs. E Pills Information People try new drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time, to improve performance in sports etc., because friends are doing it or to try to ease other problems like depression or anxiety. E PILLS abuse usually gets you to the point of depression and anxiety so that would not be such a good idea, from the E PILLS abuse information and E PILLS abuse effects we have studied. E PILLS abuse information has shown us that it is not about the amount you consume at that time but it is about the consequences that follow E PILLS abuse. Obviously when you take more E, you will get more and more high, taking you to euphoria. However, because of the E PILLS abuse effects, you will eventually get off that high and enter comedown, which is the miserable part of the drug, for which you need to take remedies like natural antidepressants. E ...

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