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Ecstasy Dosage

Are you one of those who use ecstasy? Do you know about MDMA and natural antidepressants? Are you aware about proper dosage and harms associated with ectstacy usage? Well, it is beneficial to collect all the essential ecstasy information and then use ecstasy with proper knowledge. Nowadays, it has become a popular drug due to the positive effects that an individual experiences during an hour or so after taking a single ecstasy dose. A person experiences emotional warmth, mental stimulation, decreased anxiety and a general feeling of well being. Further, many users report improved sensory perception as well. However, it is very important to know all ecstasy facts and then proceed further. Ecstacy Information Ecstasy is the common name for MDMA (methylenedioxymetham-phetamine). When a person swallows the drug, neurons in the brain are targeted by using the chemical serotonin for communicating. Serotonin is a natural antidepressant that contributes major role to regulate numerous mental processes like memory and mood. When you will search ecstasy information through internet or books, you will come to know that heavy or long-term use of ecstasy can damage neurons. This may further lead into confusion, depression and anxiety. Some may also experience decrease in memory and difficulty sleeping as well. However, it is also one of the ecstasy facts that there are no previous studies that through light on the effects of low ecstasy doses on first-time users. Ecstacy Effects The ecstacy effect builds quickly. A person experiences relaxation and lightness of mood giving way ...

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