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Ecstacy Effects

Ecstacy or MDMA is a popularly known  drug mainly because of the positive effects that a person experiences within an hour or two after taking a single dose of ecstacy. The immediate effects of ecstacy include feelings of mental stimulation, empathy towards others, emotional warmth, a general sense of well being, and even decreased anxiety. Moreover some of the users have also reported enhanced sensory perception as the trait of the MDMA experience use of ecstacy use. However there are also some effects of ecstacy comedown which can be quite harsh at times during which a natural antidepressant could prove to be beneficial. Ecstacy Use Due to the stimulant properties of ecstacy, they are mostly used in parties and club settings which enable the user to dance for an extended period. There are also some people who have reported immediate undesirable effect that include recklessness, agitation and anxiety. In fact, MDMA is not a gentle drug as it can produce different kinds of unfavorable health effects which include chills, nausea, involuntary teeth clenching, sweating, muscle cramping, and sometimes blurred vision. However some effects of ecstacy comedown when on a high dose can include high blood pressure, panic attacks, faintness and in some cases loss of seizures and consciousness. Although a natural antidepressant can help overcome some mild hangover or comedown of ecstacy you might probably need proper medical care for high dose of the drug. Ecstacy Information Moreover because of its stimulant properties and the surroundings where it is normally ...

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