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Ecstacy Neurotoxicity

One of the most commonly-used drugs for people entering adulthood is MDMA, otherwise known as ecstacy. The effects of the drug are pretty straightforward – it makes you happier. But digging a bit deeper into ecstacy facts, you’ll see just how detrimental its neurotoxic effects can have on a person. Of course, who would expect a word with “toxic” in it to be a positive thing…? Ecstacy Neurotoxicity To begin explaining this ecstacy information, it’s best to know exactly what the ecstacy facts are that can help you to understand everything. Ecstacy, at its heart, is a natural antidepressant. Basically, it boosts your mood, hence the combination of “anti” and “depressant.” Although, some ecstacy information to note is that its manufactured form is actually composed of multiple drugs to go along with the pure MDMA. Aside from the basic ecstacy information, you should also know what the word “neurotoxicity” means; basically, when there is a negative change to the brain’s functionality, such as the decrease in serotonin reuptake, the brain is experiencing neurotoxic effects. In the case of ecstacy neurotoxicity, the drug causes an ecstacy comedown, and during it, the ecstacy neurotoxicity starts to come into effect. What Ecstacy Neurotoxicity Does There are several neurotoxic ecstacy facts to know; first of all, there is the biggest effect of all: depression. During what is known as an ecstacy comedown, the side-effects of the drug begin to kick in. Since the main purpose of ecstacy is to make a person happier by ...

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