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Tag Archives: ecstacy powder byproducts

Ecstacy Powder Side Effects

Ecstacy is the name of the drug normal people use, however in scientific terms it is referred to as MDMA.  Esctacy is a part of the artificial entactogen group of psychoactive drugs that result in the user getting in touch with their innermost and usually hidden feelings and emotions.  Ecstacy has become the most popular party drug amongst the younger segment of the population.  The most popular form of ecstasy is the pill, but it is also vastly available in the form of a powder. Ecstasy Powder Information Ecstacy powder is purchased the same way the pills are, through dealer.  One of the new trends that we have learnt through ecstacy powder information is that people are crushing the pills into the powder form themselves.  The high from the powder that is created from this method might not be as great as from the pure powder form.  Ecstacy powder is the purest form of this drug and the ecstasy powder effects are actually reduced as compared to the pill.  This does not mean that ecstacy powder is actually better or healthier, does not matter what the form is, ecstacy powder effects can be life threatening. Ecstasy Powder Effects The problem with ecstacy powder according to different research on ecstacy powder information is the level of mixing of other ingredients varies and no one is able to tell the difference, therefore making it close to impossible to judge the quality of ecstacy powder.  Many different users of this drug have provided ...

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