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Tag Archives: ecstasy abuse

Why is Ecstasy Illegal

Ecstasy is no joke these days. It is a synthetic chemical that can be derived from an essential oil of the sassafras tree.  Ecstasy is also called as MDMA by scientists. It is also one of the easiest illegal drugs to obtain. Its effects are similar to other harmful drugs like cocaine, heroin, etc.  It has become very popular at social events like raves, hip hop parties, concerts, etc. frequented by both adults and youth.  In 1914, the ecstasy was developed as an appetite suppressant and was used as a psychotherapeutic tool.  Doctors and physicians were used MDMA to treat the mental health problems. Today, ecstasy fact is that it becomes illegal because it was used in wrong way by people. Ecstasy Information The controlled substance of MDMA produce anxiety disorder, highly toxic to the liver, become habit forming, and kills brain cells. Since it is very harmful for our body, the government has banned the use of ecstasy and declared that possessing, distributing, buying or selling of ecstasy is illegal. It produce a great rush and very euphoric when taken with empty stomach. Later it can produce many problems in your body. So it is better to have complete ecstasy information and stay away from all side effects. These days, ecstasy is available in the form of pills, capsules and tablets. Ecstasy Use Ecstasy is usually taken in pill form and consumed through mouth and it can also be injected.  Some users even crush the pills and snort the ...

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