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Tag Archives: ecstasy effects on intelligence

Ecstacy Intelligence Effects

It is an unquestionable fact that excess of everything is bad. Ecstacy abuse is no alien to this fact. MDMA, more widely known as ecstasy, is a very popular party drug. Apart from that, it is also prescribed as a natural antidepressant to psychotic patients. A national survey (conducted in the USA in 2004) said that at least 11 million people have tried it and out of which 10% have been involved in ecstacy abuse. The thing with most drugs is that with frequent use the effects of the drugs begin to fade so struggle to achieve the same high as the first user leads to ecstacy abuse. Ecstacy abuse effects are quiet alarming if not life threatening in some cases. Ecstacy abuse can lead to several physiological and psychological effects such as paranoia, lack of concentration, depression. Ecstasy Effects Some people also dive into spells of depression and anxiety due to ecstacy abuse effects. Animal testing has shown that ecstacy abuse can affect fertility and embryo development. The problem with ecstacy abuse is that ecstasy has is deceptively considered as a safe/harmless drug. This causes people to use ecstasy repeatedly and make them victims of ecstacy abuse. The ecstacy abuse among our youth is increasing because of lack of ecstacy abuse information. Ecstasy or MDMA effects on the human body and the nervous system depend upon several factors like quantity consumed, quality, and purity of ecstasy powder and frequency of ecstasy powder consumption. Ecstasy Usage Ecstasy usage is characterized ...

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