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Tag Archives: ecstasy effects

Ecstasy And No Comedown

No, it is not possible to have ecstasy and not come down from it.  Most of the ecstasy users have the ecstasy comedown effects such as warmth, happiness, empathy and pleasure. This natural antidepressant increases music sensitivity and people will easily become emotion after using ecstasy. The ecstasy comedown effects mainly start within one hour of taking this natural antidepressant. Ecstasy comedown starts with tingling effects and exhilaration. Some ecstasy user may experiences ecstasy comedown effects such as dizziness or nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Ecstasy Comedown Effects The ecstasy comedown increases quickly within initial two hours of taking ecstasy which again increase after taking each pill. The drug is considered as a natural antidepressant as it causes relaxation and improves the mood of the person resulting in euphoria, physical pleasure and openness to other people around you. One of the ecstasy comedown information is that after taking the drug, the user can have more satisfied sexual activity. The ecstasy comedown also consists of muscle relaxation and flexibility in the perception of colors and sounds. Ecstasy comedown information also include that the ecstasy user can communicate with other people easily. Ecstasy Comedown Information Ecstasy users are more open and believe others while under the influence of the drug and also become introspective. Ecstasy users reach the peak of effects after four to six hours of taking it. The gradual decrease of ecstasy comedown is in last two hours. One among the ecstasy comedown information is that the user feels depressed, paranoid ...

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Ecstasy Effects

Ecstasy is best known as the Love Drug, because of the mood enhancing effect it has, as it stimulates the brain to release a large quantity of natural antidepressant into the bloodstream. Ecstasy use is related to rave music, because the wild dancing seems to influence how people perceive the effects of the drug. Intense exercising, however, is not the only factor that causes different effects of ecstasy to be experienced by those taking the pill. Metabolism Metabolism plays a very important role on how ecstasy use is experienced by different people. Those with a fast metabolism often complain that the come down from the high happens way too fast and they need another dose. Also, those that eat fatty foods on a regular basis seem to experience a delay effect. There is no way to tell whether ecstasy long term effects are influenced by metabolism, as well, or not, but it is quite clear that internal body processes have an important influence on effects of ecstasy. Tolerance People are different, and their tolerance to the drug is also different. While some may need a larger dose to feel the effects of Ecstasy, others find that only taking a fraction of a pill is enough for them to make them feel high. Tolerance is also something that progresses in time, and it can be categorized as one of the Ecstasy long term effects. The more drug you take, the more tolerance you have, which will determine how you will experience ...

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The Taste of Ecstasy

The taste this recreational drug is somewhat metallic and bitter. One of the ecstasy facts is that people may become addictive to this drug like any other kind of drugs. The ecstasy high can be experienced by a person for about 3-6 hours. Major ecstasy information is that after swallowing the pill, it will take only 15 minutes for the drug to enter in to the bloodstream of a person. Ecstasy Facts One of the important ecstasy facts is that if you have enough supply of pure ecstasy and you are taking the same dose daily, then you can have a smooth and loving experience every time you take ecstasy. But after 5 days or more, you may not experience the high as strong as it was before. Then you can stop taking MDMA and wait for some time to take this drug. If you take the drug after one week or so, you can feel the same old experience and effects again with this drug. The ecstasy tolerance varies from individual to individual and the dosage taken by the individual each time. Ecstasy Effects Another important one among the ecstasy facts is the user’s mental state after taking this drug. Ecstasy affects the mood of the user by liberating the suppressed feelings. The effect of ecstasy also depends on the circumstances of the user such as dance clubs. Ecstasy information also says that the drug stimulates nervous system of the user because by using the drug the nerve endings ...

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Mood Swings From Ecstasy Use

Yes indeed! Mood swings intensify after taking ecstasy, a recreational drug. The actual name of ecstasy is MDMA (3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), which is believed to relax people after longer working hours. The individuals use MDMA to boost their depressed mood and improve their fatigued and anxiety. Most often, people take ecstasy during night parties in order to feel high and get relaxed. Ecstasy relieves depression, anxiety, bad moods and fear of insecurity. It offers to love people and gives the feelings of intimacy. Ecstasy Effects Though it elevates mood and even leads to euphoria, but on the next day, it initiates totally reciprocal outcome in the form of depression, anxiety and boredom. So, it is clear that ecstasy intensifies mood swing, whether it is pleasant and elevated or depressed. However, in many countries, MDMA (ecstasy) is banned and illegal to use because of its dreadful side effects. The point to ponder is that if ecstasy elevates mood, why and how it causes depression and fatigue on the next day? Aren’t these totally reciprocal mechanisms- mood elevation in first few hours and depression on the next day? Several hypotheses have been developed to reach the conclusion why ecstasy produces elevated mood during first few hours of the use and then depression on the next day. All these mood swing symptoms are because of the disturbance in the chemical substances present in the brain. Natural antidepressant supplements may help decrease these mood swing symptoms. Neurotransmitters Ecstasy releases large amounts of neurotransmitters called serotonin ...

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St. John's Wort Ecstasy Hangover Cure

Firstly let us be clear on one point, taking ecstasy is bad for your health. Not only does it damage your health, it damages your mind, and however painful and expensive repairing your health is going to be, it is as nothing when compared to repairing your mind. This information is not new and almost everyone who takes the drug know it already. Ecstasy is one of the most popular party drugs there is and the consumption is only increasing. If you have ever used ecstasy you will know how good it feels at a party, and also how bad it feels on the morning after. Ecstasy Effects The simple reason for you feeling bad is that ecstasy tends to take you into a depression when its effects wear off. Most people take coffee as a stimulant but in truth tea is better at flushing out your system than coffee is. If you are looking for a stimulant however, you can consider St John’s Wort. It is a natural antidepressant and St John’s Wort information says that they are very effective at perking you up. Studies how showed that they are almost as effective as stimulant pills, but do not have too many side effects because they are a herbal product. St John’s Wort side effects may include things like nausea, diarrhea, dizziness etc, but if consumed in proper quantities, this is not an issue at all. St. John’s Wort Effects St John’s Wort information also says that the dosage ...

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When Did Ecstasy Become Popular

Ecstasy or Molly is an abused drug made of synthetic chemical and the effects of taking it are similar to that of the hallucinogens and amphetamines. It is marketed as a natural antidepressant as it reduces stress of the person. The drug is distributed all around the world and ecstasy popularity is rising as time pass by. The ecstasy popularity is very much that it has been used in concerts, hip hop parties, raves and other night parties. The ecstasy popularity is skyrocketed among the teenagers of almost all countries for obtaining body high which provide intense pleasure and feeling. Ecstasy Usage The intake of this drug results in self-acceptance, physical sensitivity and empathy which will lead to intimate feeling and enhances sex drive. MDMA improves sexual desire, but at the same time impairs the performance of sexual activity. Men find it difficult to have erection when the ecstasy effects are in its peak. Both men and women who have consumed this drug find it is difficult to achieve the orgasm. Lubrication will not occur in the case of both sexes because of hyperthermia and dehydration caused by the drug. MDMA increases the arousal and lower the inhibitions which may affect negatively. Ecstasy Popularity Information One of the ecstasy popularity information is that the drug is negatively affecting the levels of serotonin in the brain which is helpful in increasing the sense of touch and sense of feeling. Negative side of the ecstasy popularity information is that MDMA will cause ...

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Effects of Ecstasy

When you want to consume ecstasy, which are originally called ecstasy pills, please ensure that you have the necessary precautions with you. The precautions can be like some natural antidepressants or some naturally prepared foodstuffs. The effects of ecstasy can be hazardous as the pill has recorded side effects more than its positive effects over the globe. Therefore one who is a desperate need of ecstasy should have all the information related to the ecstasy use.  Natural antidepressants are effective on the ecstasy side effects, so as mentioned above, ensure that you visit some expert or the internet to have all the related natural antidepressants before going for the ecstasy use. Common Effects of Ecstasy The effects of ecstasy pills are known worldwide, but they vary from person to person. The mental strength of person is the main factor responsible for these variations. As far as the known effects are concerned, the ecstasy produces extreme reactions of pleasure. After the ecstasy use, a person tends to be happier than his normal state of mind. There is ample warmth in the same person who was rigid and adamant before sometime. Therefore, a happy personality is one of the major effects of ecstasy. Some of the other significant effects of ecstasy include sensitivity to musical tones, songs and melodies. Some people respond well to dance also. Therefore the ecstasy use prevalent in the dancing field too. People, who undertake ecstasy use for mere happiness, also get a bonus by the rapid effects ...

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Why is Ecstasy Illegal

Ecstasy is no joke these days. It is a synthetic chemical that can be derived from an essential oil of the sassafras tree.  Ecstasy is also called as MDMA by scientists. It is also one of the easiest illegal drugs to obtain. Its effects are similar to other harmful drugs like cocaine, heroin, etc.  It has become very popular at social events like raves, hip hop parties, concerts, etc. frequented by both adults and youth.  In 1914, the ecstasy was developed as an appetite suppressant and was used as a psychotherapeutic tool.  Doctors and physicians were used MDMA to treat the mental health problems. Today, ecstasy fact is that it becomes illegal because it was used in wrong way by people. Ecstasy Information The controlled substance of MDMA produce anxiety disorder, highly toxic to the liver, become habit forming, and kills brain cells. Since it is very harmful for our body, the government has banned the use of ecstasy and declared that possessing, distributing, buying or selling of ecstasy is illegal. It produce a great rush and very euphoric when taken with empty stomach. Later it can produce many problems in your body. So it is better to have complete ecstasy information and stay away from all side effects. These days, ecstasy is available in the form of pills, capsules and tablets. Ecstasy Use Ecstasy is usually taken in pill form and consumed through mouth and it can also be injected.  Some users even crush the pills and snort the ...

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Ecstasy Affects Everyone Differently

Ecstasy is best known as the Love Drug, because of the mood enhancing effect it has, as it stimulates the brain to release a large quantity of natural antidepressant into the bloodstream. Ecstasy use is related to rave music, because the wild dancing seems to influence how people perceive the effects of the drug. Intense exercising, however, is not the only factor that causes different effects of Ecstasy to be experienced by those taking the pill. Metabolism Metabolism plays a very important role on how Ecstasy use is experienced by different people. Those with a fast metabolism often complain that the come down from the high happens way too fast and they need another dose. Also, those that eat fatty foods on a regular basis seem to experience a delay effect. There is no way to tell whether Ecstasy long term effects are influenced by metabolism, as well, or not, but it is quite clear that internal body processes have an important influence on effects of Ecstasy. Tolerance People are different, and their tolerance to the drug is also different. While some may need a larger dose to feel the effects of Ecstasy, others find that only taking a fraction of a pill is enough for them to make them feel high. Tolerance is also something that progresses in time, and it can be categorized as one of the Ecstasy long term effects. The more drug you take, the more tolerance you have, which will determine how you will experience ...

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Where Does Ecstasy Come From

Ecstasy is a powerful drug that provides hallucinogenic effects. This drug also has the scientific name MethylenedioxyMethamphetamine or MDMA. Ecstasy is a psychoactive drug that can act as a stimulant as well as a mood changer. The drug changes the perception of the person about the world as well as increases the speed of the body system. MDMA brings chemical changes in the brain especially when it releases serotonin at an increased level. Serotonin plays a major role in balancing the mood, appetite and energy level of an individual. Ecstasy History This drug is made chemically by Seize Ecstasy Cargo Clandestine laboratories functioning all over Western Europe, mainly in Belgium and Netherlands. The drug is manufactured in the form of capsules, powder and tablets. In Europe, the drug is consumed domestically, but very few labs of MDMA are operating in United States. The drug was patented in the year 1913 and was used experimentally for psychotherapy in 1970s. The drug is normally used with other chemical drugs. The lab is making the drug in enormous quantities because of the increased demand of the drug in international and domestic markets. Ecstasy Effects The short-term adverse ecstasy effects are sweating, chills, nausea, hallucinations, tremors, clenching, blurred vision, muscle cramping and clenching and increased body temperature. Some other ecstasy effects are paranoia, depression and anxiety. Ecstasy effects caused by an overdose are seizures, panic attacks, faintness, high blood pressure, unconsciousness and drastic extreme body temperatures. Overdoses of this drug may become fatal because ...

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