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Tag Archives: ecstasy hangover remedies

Huperzine A Ecstasy Hangover

Do you know how it feels when taking ecstasy and what it is? Originally “ecstasy” was used to replace the abbreviation MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), which is in short a psychedelic drug which causes euphoria. When taking MDMA one experiences feelings of love and unity with the surrounding world and himself as well as happiness which is due to serotonin hormone excretion. The condition can be also characterized as feeling safety, self-acceptance, raise of energy, desire and drive increasing, self-confidence improving, feeling of empathy, compassion and forgiveness, alertness, awareness, wakefulness increasing and some others. Ecstasy Effects The specimen has been successfully used in medicine for depression cure. MDMA causes no addiction, but still it can be dangerous: overdose might lead to death. There are also more or less strong other cons against using it. People might loose appetite, feel dizziness, suffer from dehydration as MDMA effects in a way that changes thermotaxis. Exhaustion and aches may also happen after huge physical activity which is also a consequence of MDMA influence. Psychological negative effects take place as well as physiological ones. That is about fatigue, anxiety, paranoia and depression. It can be explained by a lack of serotonin hormone which is thrown in the brain in large portions under the MDMA influence. Depression might also become chronic. As you understand that must be cured. Ecstasy Hangover Cure The cure for the ecstasy hangover is better to be with natural antidepressants. For example Huperzine A can be a treatment for MDMA depression. It is ...

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Kava Kava Ecstasy Hangover

A tall shrub, found in South Pacific Islands, mainly from the pepper family is called kava. It is also called “Kava Kava”. It is derived from Latin word “Piper methysticum”. People also know this tall shrub by many other names mainly, “Kawa”, “Sakau”, “Yagona” and “Kew”.  The root of “Kava Kava” is used as a Kava Kava Ecstasy as it is being chewed. People mix MDMA drug with Kava Kava leaves and this Kava Kava MDMA is used as liquid refreshment in ceremonial parties. People consume this Kava Kava Ecstasy as liquor to bail them out of sleeplessness, restlessness and uneasiness. Kava Kava Information A botanical name “Intoxicating Pepper” was set by an explorer Captain James Cook, who first uncovered Kava Kava. Over 3000 years, for therapeutic property it is being used as a Natural Antidepressant for soothing, muscle relaxant, diuretic and unhappiness. According to survey, 11 studies were been conducted upon 645 people in 2003. Kava Kava is an effective cure as an ecstasy hangover because it acts as an effective symptomatic treatment for uneasiness caused in the body. Teas, Yogi Teas are being used as herbal tea and can be used as a Natural Antidepressant for the treatment of Kava hangover. Although Kava Kava Information is not clear yet, researchers are conducting many researches on kava to study how it works. But Kava Kava Side Effects can easily affect the nerves cells called “Neurotransmitters” which take facts from nerve cells to other cells. Kava Kava Side Effects Potential ...

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L-Tyrosine For Ecstasy Hangover

L-tyrosine is an amino acid which is the precursor neurotransmitters like adrenaline, nor-adrenaline and dopamine.  However, L-tyrosine information provided by searchers depicts that it has little effect on mood and behavior. A lot of studies about L-tyrosine information have remarked that this amino acid is helpful in decreasing stress, cold, fatigue, prolonged work and sleep deprivation by reducing stress hormone levels. It also improves cognitive and physical functions in human beings. L-tyrosine is present in many proteins found in every day foods and is a part of signal transduction processes in human body. In plants, it helps the process of photosynthesis. L-tyrosine supplements are used as natural antidepressants. Till now, no L-tyrosine side effects have been shown by any L-tyrosine information. Ecstasy Effects MDMA (Ecstasy) selectively destroys axon terminals of 5-HT neurons in the brain. Many studies have remarked that dopamine plays main role in this toxicity. More or less, it is clear from studies that dopamine produces toxic oxidative species like oxygen species and quinines. But, the production of these species by dopamine is, however, yet unknown. There are many hypothesis developed about its mechanism of action, one of which I would like describe here. When MDMA is administered with the L-tyrosine supplements, L-tyrosine MDMA is produced, which has damaging effects. L-Tyrosine Effects L-tyrosine contributes to the neurodegenerative process, as it is also the precursor of dopamine. After the administration of MDMA, L-tyrosine (natural antidepressant) is seen 5-fold increased in vivo. Contrary to dopamine, tyrosine amino acid is actively ...

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