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Tag Archives: ecstasy hangover

Ecstasy Affects Everyone Differently

Ecstasy is best known as the Love Drug, because of the mood enhancing effect it has, as it stimulates the brain to release a large quantity of natural antidepressant into the bloodstream. Ecstasy use is related to rave music, because the wild dancing seems to influence how people perceive the effects of the drug. Intense exercising, however, is not the only factor that causes different effects of Ecstasy to be experienced by those taking the pill. Metabolism Metabolism plays a very important role on how Ecstasy use is experienced by different people. Those with a fast metabolism often complain that the come down from the high happens way too fast and they need another dose. Also, those that eat fatty foods on a regular basis seem to experience a delay effect. There is no way to tell whether Ecstasy long term effects are influenced by metabolism, as well, or not, but it is quite clear that internal body processes have an important influence on effects of Ecstasy. Tolerance People are different, and their tolerance to the drug is also different. While some may need a larger dose to feel the effects of Ecstasy, others find that only taking a fraction of a pill is enough for them to make them feel high. Tolerance is also something that progresses in time, and it can be categorized as one of the Ecstasy long term effects. The more drug you take, the more tolerance you have, which will determine how you will experience ...

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Drugs of any sort are regarded as foreign agents that alter the metabolism and body functions of living organisms. Today, drugs are not only being used to cure illnesses but in fact, they are being used as pleasure agents. E, XTC, X, ADAM, Hug, Beans, Clarity or methylenedioxymethamphetamineare all the names of drug called Ecstacy. Drugs are generally thought to be chemical agents, which are taken by humans in order to reduce pain and anxiety. The chemicals released off by drugs come between two consecutive neurons and sort of hinder in the delivery of chemical message to the brain. Medics and doctors to give instant relief to the patient use this state of “Highness”. Like all other hallucinating agents, Ecstacy is given in an administered quantity to check for any reactions with the body. Ecstasy Usage Now the question you may come across frequently is what is ecstacy? Many teens who have used E or are regular users of the drug, consider ecstasy to be harmless and a pleasure drug only. However, the reality is completely different. Ecstacy effects with prolonged use can result in the neuron death and as a result, the person can develop long term or permanent illnesses. The alarming thing found through ecstacy information is that ecstacy is now considered a club drug and easily available in discos and clubs, the street price of this drug has come down to about $5-7. Getting drugs at such cheap rates makes it popular among the young users, whereas ...

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Ecstasy Hangover

People usually feel overly exhausted after they take ecstasy. The ecstasy hangover is not that surprising taking into account that the mind as well as the body have experienced too much activity compared during a normal period when not under the influence. The ecstasy hangover is almost similar to the comedown experienced by LSD users and amphetamines. Ecstasy Hangover Effects Among the ecstasy hangover effects include dizziness, depression, headaches, tired jaws and aching teeth, and over fatigue. This can be considered as physical symptoms but the most important ecstasy hangover effects to watch out is the emotional and mental aspects of ecstasy use after effects. Majority of ecstasy users often experience post – ecstasy use depression and this often starts during the second day after the peak experience and depending on the ecstasy hangover, it can last for one up to five days. But there are a small percentage of users that experience depressive symptoms that last for weeks and this is what a bad hangover can be. Hangover effects of ecstasy use always come with irritability, extreme grumpiness and short-tempered, lack of motivation and focus, lingering visual distortions can also happen sometimes. Ecstasy hangover information report that there are users who do not experience in form of bad coming down effects but on the other hand, the negative aftereffects of using MDMA can become worse when there is a high frequency of usage and higher dosages as well. Other hangover effects resulting from MDMA experience are most frequently tautness ...

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Ecstasy Hangover Normal

Use of Ecstasy, like alcohol consumption, is always associated with a next day hangover like sensation. In case of Ecstasy hangover, however, the symptoms experienced can be tougher than those experienced after alcohol abuse. For those that are unfamiliar with Ecstasy hangover effects, these symptoms may be an important cause of concern, but the truth is that having a bad day after a night high on Ecstasy is nothing but natural. Trying some Ecstasy hangover remedies can help a lot, since there is cure to anything you may be feeling due to the night before abuse. The Main Cause Of Ecstasy Hangover Basic Ecstasy hangover information makes it clear that having a really bad day after a wild night on Ecstasy happens all the time. When you use the drug, the brain is practically forced to release all the natural antidepressant it produces, and afterwards, it is all drained of its resources. This is exactly what you will be feeling, too. Do not worry that your brain will never produce natural antidepressant again, as this is not true. The thing is that Ecstasy hangover effects are caused by the fact that the body is still processing the serotonin released the night before, and it will take a while until it receives the signal that it is time to produce natural antidepressant again. Common Ecstasy Hangover Effects Although each individual may experience Ecstasy hangover differently, some symptoms can be found in all cases. Users of this drug say that they feel ...

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