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Tag Archives: ecstasy use dangers

Ecstasy If You Have Epilepsy

Ecstasy is far from being the safe drug its fan base tries to tout it, no matter if you suffer from a medical condition or not. However, in the case of those with epilepsy, the dangers of Ecstasy effects are even greater. The chance of experiencing a seizure is very high in people with epilepsy, and it does exist even in people without epilepsy. Ecstasy information that is now available strongly advises people with epilepsy to avoid using the drug. How Ecstasy Influences Brain Activity The pleasant sensations that are caused by Ecstasy effects are related to how to drug acts on brain activity. Because the release of the natural antidepressant known as serotonin is greatly increased, the person taking Ecstasy experiences enhanced senses. Music seems to sound better, colors look richer and lights provoke an euphoric like effect. These Ecstasy effects pretty much explain why the drug is so popular in clubs where the music is loud and the lights are intermittent. However, the pleasant feeling of natural antidepressant rush is accompanied by dangerous side effects. What Happens In A Person With Epilepsy That Takes Ecstasy Practically, the well known drug causes the same effects in everybody, but, for those with epilepsy, the pleasant sensations can have a dangerous turn. Exposure to powerful lights will quickly trigger a seizure, and the enhanced sensitivity will certainly worsen the condition. Ecstasy information related to epilepsy and drug consumption shows why this particular drug is to be avoided at all costs by ...

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Ecstasy Use Dangerous

No matter how pleasant the effects of the drug, Ecstasy dangers are a reality and they should not be taken lightly. There is a point, when using this drug that causes many pleasant effects, as the release of serotonin, the body’s natural antidepressant, goes through one’s system, can become dangerous. Overdose is just one of Ecstasy use dangers, as it will be shown right away. Overheating Reading into Ecstasy danger information that is provided by your own body is very important when using this drug. An inexperienced user can overheat without taking an overdose, and overheating can lead to severe complications. If the body temperature reaches over 105 degrees Fahrenheit, bleeding in the brain, liver and kidney failure, and even death can occur. Those that do not hydrate well can find themselves in such situations. Heatstroke is one of the most severe Ecstasy dangers, and the one that must be paid attention to most. Combining with alcohol It is never safe to mix Ecstasy with alcohol consumption. Because the alcohol determines the body temperature to rise even more, and it also causes dehydration, the most important of Ecstasy use dangers, overheating, happens even faster. Stick to plain water, or isotonic drinks, as they are safer. Since the drug can make you feel euphoric on its own, because of the rush of natural antidepressant, there is actually no need to drink alcohol, as well. Water poisoning Drinking too much water while on Ecstasy is also one of Ecstasy use dangers that ...

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Bipolar Disorder from Ecstasy Use

The main cause for bipolar disorder is not known entirely. Some of the genetics such as neurochemical and environmental factors might probably interact at many levels to play a role in the onset and progression of manic depression or bipolar disorder. According to the current bipolar disorder information and studies it is a predominantly biological disorder that mostly occurs in a specific part of the brain and is because of the malfunctioning of the neurotransmitters which hare chemical messengers in the brain. Therefore being a biological disorder it might usually lie dormant and be activated spontaneously or it can even be triggered stressors of life. Although no one is entirely sure about the cause of this disorder, researchers have still found suitable and effective bipolar disorder medication. However it is necessary that you are properly diagnosed to have the bipolar disorder symptoms in order to be prescribed the right medicines or therapy. A natural antidepressant can help you if you usually experience minor depression. Ectasy Use However when it comes to the use of ecstasy, there are some associations that might make it one of the causes for bipolar depression. The use of ecstasy has some complications with this disorder. Some of the users especially those who frequently consume ecstasy or take high dose of this drug experience depression when they come back down or after its effects. Therefore those who are already suffering from depression, unipolar or bipolar disorder might find that use of ecstasy aggravates the conditions of ...

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