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Tag Archives: encounter stress signs

Encounter Stress

Encounter stress occurs, if you worry about interacting with some persons or a group of people. You may experience encounter stress, if your work involves interacting with a lot of people, especially those who are in distress.  Contacting with lots of people may make you feel overwhelmed and cause stress. Studies show that doctors and social workers experience encounter stress more than any other groups, as they regularly interact with people who do not feel well or are upset. Encounter Stress Symptoms Encounter stress symptoms may affect your physical health, even though you may not recognize them. Feeling overwhelmed, an inability of finding how to cope with stress and feelings like you are not able to take control, experiencing difficulty in staying calm or relaxed, agitated, moody or frustrated feeling are some of the emotional symptoms of stress. Low energy, chest pain, headache, sleeping difficulty, upset stomach, teeth grinding and jaw clenching are some of the physical encounter stress symptoms. If you constantly worry about something, have racing thoughts, find it difficult to focus, forget things quickly or have pessimistic thoughts, you may be experiencing the cognitive symptoms of encounter stress. Procrastination, changes in appetite and increased use of cigarettes, drug or alcohol may also occur. Encounter Stress Treatment Methods If you experience stress symptoms for a long period of time, you need to take steps to get rid of them. There are numerous ways to cope with stress, one is finding the eustress definition and welcoming that into your ...

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