Not all people who are into extasy are expected to experience the same effects especially when coming down. Even if the general effects of extasy may be the same like the euphoric pleasures, warmth, and the feeling of closeness to other people, the extasy comedown effects will be different for every user. During the coming up stage, users will experience the on rush of euphoric pleasures twenty minutes after taking the pills. The experience is sort of a immediate rush and other symptoms of the drug taking effects include increased heartbeat rate, churning stomach due to excitement, teeth grinding, nausea, tightening of the jaw, sweating, dilated pupils, and anxiety. This is the onrush during the coming up and after two to four hours, users will experience the feeling of well being and intimacy with other people and they will also feel confident about themselves. Extasy Comedown Effects But all these positive feelings are reversed after the effects of extasy wear off and the extasy comedown effects begin to manifest. As stated before, the experiences of people will be varied when it comes to extasy comedown effects. But in general, the symptoms for extasy comedown include • Depression • severe anxiety that results to panic and paranoia • loss of appetite, insomnia • irritability and fatigue • lack of concentration Severe effects of extasy comedown may also include edginess and increased heart palpitations. For some people, without an extasy comedown cure, this can make them become emotionally and physically drained. ...
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