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Tag Archives: information about light and depression

Maximizing Light In Your Home To Alleviate Depression

If the electricity bills are not a major issue, the answer is a yes! Depression is increasing in the world population. Relatively it is lesser in the United States. There is a lot of work being done in the field of psychiatry and clinical psychology to deal with this problem. Light therapy or licorice solar therapy has shown some success in the treatment of depressive. To deal with mild to moderate depression you have to learn about certain antidepressant activities. For severe depression, merely antidepressant activities would not be of much help. Medication in addition it psychotherapy would be needed. If you face depression, you should start with some natural antidepressants. Consider laughter for example, or spending time with close friends, and exercising regularly. Antidepressant Acitivities Of such antidepressant activities is exposing yourself to light. When you are exposed to sunlight, or even artificial light a hormone melatonin is formed in your body and it helps alleviate the depression and important information I should know about kanna. The antidepressant activities information suggests that exposure to light may also settle the brain’s circadian rhythms thus helps alleviate depression. This is based on the fact that depression is promoted by disruption in the circadian rhythms or in lay man language the biological clock of the body. The impact is very cyclic. Balance in circadian rhythms also helps the production of melatonin thus aiding the prevention or alleviation of depression. Bright Light Therapy The bright light therapy has particularly been successful in seasonal ...

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