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Tag Archives: l-theanine effects

L-Theanine Natural Mood Booster

Have you ever heard the saying “Tea can make you happy?” Recent discoveries in the field of organic and natural medicines has proven this to be true. Tea leaves contain L-Theanine natural mood booster, and studies at the University of Maryland Medical Center have shown that green tea has the highest amount. This explains why so many people who drink green tea regularly experience better moods than those who prefer coffee. It has the added benefit of providing additional anti-oxidants and can provide the typical boost one expects from coffee, since it is caffeinated. Can L-Theanine Treat Depression While the jury is still out, so to speak, people still are still asking the question, “Can L-Theanine treat something like situational depression?” Studies indicate that this is the case, but rigid scientific standards prevent any conclusions from being drawn so far. While you may be wondering, “Can L-Theanine treat depression?” the bigger question is whether or not it’s effective at treating anxiety disorders. The answer is yes. This anti-anxiety supplement has been approved for clinical use in Japan dating back to 1964. It is added to chocolate, herbal teas, and soft drinks. It is also what gives green tea that unique and distinct flavor. Many other supplements that treat depression are known to help with anxiety issues, too, so there is  strong connection to be made. Herbal Supplements for Depression There are dozens of herbal supplements for depression. Many have decided against the traditional “prescription” route that has become so popular ...

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Is L-Theanine Safe

If you’re considering taking one of the many depression natural remedies on the market you undoubtedly have concerns about whether or not the supplement is safe. Thankfully there are plenty of studies that help to demonstrate just how does l-theanine work, a natural mood enhancer found in tea leaves, is safe. Want to Understand How L-Theanine Works Good luck! There are few actual studies that have found any conclusive evidence for how this organic compound helps to elevate the mood. It has long been known to provide a boost in good feelings, but the actual mechanisms at work are still shrouded in mystery. There is some indication that L-Theanine helps to increase the production of GABA in the brain, which is crucial for normal cognitive functions and primarily the ability to feel “happy” and potentially boost your serotonin as well. It is supposed that this is more effective than taking normal GABA supplements since they have difficulty penetrating through the blood-brain barrier. Instead, L-Theanine may be producing GABA inside the brain, making it absorption and use significantly easier. L-Theanine is One of Many Depression Natural Remedies There are plenty of depression natural remedies available. L-Theanine is one of them. Most have undergone few clinical studies, though, and their safety is debatable. L-Theanine has gone through a number of studies, though, including some in Japan. The drug was considered safe as a supplemental additive in chocolates, teas, and several other consumable items in 1964. The FDA considers the supplement to have ...

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Can L-Theanine Treat Depression

If you are a normal, healthy, skeptical adult you may be questioning L-theanine’s ability to treat depression. You may have heard many individuals promoting the supplement as one of the newest and greatest natural treatments for your blues. But is there any evidence that L-theanine can treat depression naturally? The Ancient L-Theanine Depression Remedy L-Theanine depression remedy is known to be present in tea leaves. It is a completely natural organic compound. Most leaves contain copious amounts of L-Theanine until they are fermented. Green tea is one of the few teas that does not use fermentation as a crucial component in the tea making process. The unique and distinct flavor provided by green tea is actually caused by the high levels of L-Theanine found in the leaves. While we place our faith in science to prove whether or not something is “true” there are several ways your body can help indicate this. For instance, if you are suffering from a vitamin c deficiency you may crave oranges. You will find them particularly tasty. Green tea is found to be incredibly tasty by most individuals, and once they become accustomed to having it in their diet they may actually begin to crave it when they’re feeling blue. This is an indication that L-Theanine is a naturally occurring depression remedy. Green tea has long been a part of many Asian cultures, including China and Japan. Herbal Supplements for Depression In 1964 the Japanese government approved the use of L-theanine supplements in many ...

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