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Tag Archives: major depression facts

How Can I Treat Major Depression

Major depression is the most common form of clinical depression. It usually affects people between the ages of 25 and 44. It is an episodic disorder which means that the patient suffers periods of depression. In between two episodes, he will lead a normal life. These long term depression symptoms can last anywhere between 9 months to 2 years. What are the symptoms of major depression People suffering from major depression stop enjoying life. They are sad all the time and have other mental and physical problems. The major depression symptoms include being unable to sleep, have loss of appetite, loss of concentration, body aches and pains etc. It is a disease that involves the body, mind and spirit. The best thing a person can attempt is are serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors good for anxiety to utilize natural antidepressant techniques such as meditation, acupuncture or self help books. However these are effective only if the problem is diagnosed at an early stage. Depending on the condition the treatment can vary from hospitalization to major depression medication to counseling. How does hospitalization help a patient The therapist first evaluates the patient’s condition to determine his major depression information and whether he needs to be hospitalized. In advanced stages of major depression the patient has suicidal thoughts and is unable to fend for himself. With this major depression information it will be determined whether he needs to be kept under constant supervision which is only possible in a hospital. If the patient is ...

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How Is Major Depression Diagnosed

A person is classified as having major depression when he has 5 or more episodes of depression for at least 2 weeks. The major depression symptoms are that the patient starts feeling sad, miserable, is unable to sleep, unable to eat, self hate, guilt, low self esteem etc. In severe cases the patient also suffers from panic attack such as hallucinations and delusions. Armed with all the major depression information one can make out if a person is suffering from depression. Are there any tests to determine major depression Unfortunately, there are no blood tests, laboratory tests or X-rays that can help get major depression information. Even tests like MRI, CT, PET scans can detect the complex brain changes caused by the how long does a panic attack last neurotransmitters. Diagnosis is a painstaking task of observing the patient to have all major depression information before deciding on major depression medication. What are the of major depression symptoms It is almost impossible for a doctor to detect signs of major depression symptoms without the patient telling him. Sadness, depression, helplessness can be due to many things like some personal grief or tragedy. Even post child birth women have been known to suffer from depression. Even natural antidepressants like meditation and exercise do t help. What are the criteria for evaluating depression The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has spelled out the criteria for diagnosis of major depression. The patient must have at least 5 or more major depression symptoms ...

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