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Tag Archives: mdma comedown symptoms

MDMA Comedown

MDMA, or ecstasy, is a popular drug that is taken by many people, especially in the dance club scene. Before you consider taking this drug, think about the horrible effects that it can have on your mind and body. MDMA Comedown Effects MDMA comedown effects can be pretty awful, and if you have ever taken MDMA you will know how bad things can seem. When you are under the effects of MDMA (otherwise known as ecstasy) life can feel very good. You will experience a great sense of euphoria and wonderment. Conversations with your friends and even complete strangers will give you a great sense of joy. However, after about three to six hours the seemingly positive effects of the drug will begin to wear off and you will be left with an MDMA comedown. The effects of MDMA comedown include things like depression, a sense of dread, tiredness, lack of ability to sleep and general bad feelings. If you are a user of MDMA you have to ask yourself if all of these MDMA comedown effects are really worth the happy feelings that you experienced while on the drug. For many people, they will do the drug again and again, as though they have forgotten about the comedown. MDMA Comedown Information If you are suffering from an MDMA comedown you should look for MDMA comedown information and MDMA comedown remedies online. There is no sure way to make the comedown go away, but you will be able to do ...

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Anxiety After Taking MDMA

Anxiety is one of the side effects of prolonged use of ecstasy, the drug officially known as MDMA. Ecstasy belongs to a class of drugs that modify brain chemistry to a large extent, which is why anxiety can appear as side effect. MDMA has the ability to deplete the natural antidepressant reserves, which leads to depression and anxiety. If you repeat your drug experiences, anxiety symptoms will become a fixture, and sooner than you know, you will be suffering from an anxiety disorder. More anxiety information can be found on medical related sites that also warn about the effects of drug consumption. Is this anxiety just temporary Anxiety information related to drug abuse shows that the episodes of depression and anxiety felt right after consuming drugs like MDMA are temporary. When someone gets high on ecstasy, their brain will release all the natural antidepressant it has, and it will take at least a couple of days for it to start producing a new reserve. While the brain goes through this recovery process, depression and anxiety will be felt in full force. Anxiety symptoms can be quite dreadful, and the person going through the ecstasy hangover will often have a hard time during these episodes. Anxiety medication is not a good solution for temporary episodes, but it might be needed if your anxiety becomes a long lasting condition. As long as someone only takes ecstasy once or twice, they will not often experience anxiety episodes. However, if they consume drugs on ...

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