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Tag Archives: mdma effects on organs

Organs Affected by MDMA

Effects of MDMA are often seen only as the array of consequences that happen the day after abusing the drug, but the truth is that internal organs can be affected short term or on the long run. The flush of natural antidepressant made possible by only a single pill of MDMA (ecstasy) can determine many side effects, besides the euphoria and feeling of well being experienced right after taking the drug. Long-term effects of MDMA are also possible to appear, as the internal organs are abused repeatedly. Here are the most important organs that are affected by MDMA use. The brain The most important processes in one’s body take place in the brain, and this is the vital organ that is basically taken under control by MDMA use. When the drug reaches the nervous cells, it commands the natural antidepressant receptors to release the entire quantity of serotonin the brain has stored, thus depleting the precious reserve. The drug users feel very euphoric and energetic, and they feel like they can dance the entire night without becoming tired. This is, however, a false impression, as exhaustion and overheating often occurs. The next day, the brain feels foggy and a feeling of depression embraces the same person that was feeling like on top of the world just the night before. Also, long-term effects of MDMA can occur, and brain damage is possible, being accompanied by memory impairment and inability to learn. The heart An increased heartbeat is not recommended for a ...

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Effects Of MDMA On The Brain

MDMA neurotoxicity is a matter of controversial debate since no conclusive studies have been yet conducted on humans. Studies carried on monkeys show that MDMA use can cause brain damage in these animals, but long-term effects of MDMA in humans have yet to be demonstrated. However, there are signs that people that use ecstasy too often can suffer of brain damage on the long run, such effects of MDMA including difficulty to learn and to remember things. Your brain on MDMA The brain activity is based on what the nervous cells are capable of doing; among these functions, release of natural antidepressant is regulated by serotonin receptors that have the role to let out the happiness hormone. MDMA use determines the release of serotonin to occur forcefully, and in a very large quantity, which causes the users to feel euphoric and very energetic. However, since the serotonin receptors are forced to work in overdrive, they are then retracted by the nervous cells and dopamine invades the cells specialized in making serotonin. The immediate effect is oxidation, a process that can cause neurotoxicity on the long run. Also, once the reserve of natural antidepressant is depleted, the brain takes a while until it commands the serotonin receptors to start working again. Effects of MDMA often include depression, paranoia and panic attacks, due to the lack of serotonin in the brain after the drug abuse. Are the serotonin receptors destroyed for good Long-term effects of MDMA may include brain damage, but the ...

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