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Tag Archives: mdma effects on the body

Does MDMA Mess Up Your Back

MDMA consumption has a wide variety of side effects, including muscle pains. The worst thing about taking ecstasy is that MDMA comedown episodes are very intense and they are accompanied by many types of pains and a general feeling of physical exhaustion. Your back could be affected because you will feel like every muscle in your body aches to the extreme. A lot of MDMA information also shows that the feeling of depression that occurs the next day after ecstasy consumption can make back pains even worse. If you have a pre-existing condition, it can also be made worse by MDMA comedown, because this will intensify your pain. How Back Pain is Made Worse by MDMA Consumption Ecstasy delivers the pleasant sensations it is well known for because it causes the natural antidepressant in your brain to be used in large quantities over a small duration of time. However, once the effect of serotonin wears off, depression often occurs, and the pain felt is intensified this way. Another reason for which MDMA comedown is accompanied by severe back pains is the fact that ecstasy consumption is accompanied by dancing and partying. As all pains are ignored when under the influence of the natural antidepressant high, the next day is marked by extreme pains, including back pains. Also, a lot of MDMA facts point out that feelings of depression occur quite often, which cause any pains to be felt even more than usual. The Physical Effects Ecstasy use has a lot ...

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Organs Affected by MDMA

Effects of MDMA are often seen only as the array of consequences that happen the day after abusing the drug, but the truth is that internal organs can be affected short term or on the long run. The flush of natural antidepressant made possible by only a single pill of MDMA (ecstasy) can determine many side effects, besides the euphoria and feeling of well being experienced right after taking the drug. Long-term effects of MDMA are also possible to appear, as the internal organs are abused repeatedly. Here are the most important organs that are affected by MDMA use. The brain The most important processes in one’s body take place in the brain, and this is the vital organ that is basically taken under control by MDMA use. When the drug reaches the nervous cells, it commands the natural antidepressant receptors to release the entire quantity of serotonin the brain has stored, thus depleting the precious reserve. The drug users feel very euphoric and energetic, and they feel like they can dance the entire night without becoming tired. This is, however, a false impression, as exhaustion and overheating often occurs. The next day, the brain feels foggy and a feeling of depression embraces the same person that was feeling like on top of the world just the night before. Also, long-term effects of MDMA can occur, and brain damage is possible, being accompanied by memory impairment and inability to learn. The heart An increased heartbeat is not recommended for a ...

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