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Tag Archives: mdma harmful with asthma

MDMA Dangerous If You Have Asthma

Ecstasy, another name for MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine) which helps in stimulating the secretion of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the brain. This induces some changes in the brain like high energy, empathy, openness and enhances the enjoyment through physical contacts. MDMA Abuse The abuse of MDMA could be detrimental and can cause a lot of complications including damage to the nervous system. This could bring the same results like that of using the alcohol. A large factor for using MDMA is hypertension or high stress. The best thing for people under depression is to avail natural antidepressant solution. This may include some change in your daily diet, increase in omega-3 and some herbal medicines to balance your emotions. Some people when suffering with asthma also use MDMA which is certainly not a good idea as MDMA use dangers the life of everyone and even the chances to get more complications is higher for the asthma patients. The same is also applicable for other conditions like high blood pressure, Diabetes, heart problem & epilepsy. MDMA has much effect on breathing and therefore chances for asthma patients to get problem with Ecstasy is much obvious. Usually asthma patients do use inhalers but question again is that, is it a risk to use inhaler when using ecstasy also? The reason is that blood pressure and heart rate increases when using the ecstasy and if you use inhaler in this situation would add much strain on your blood circulatory system. MDMA Dangers MDMA dangers not ...

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