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Tag Archives: mdma information

MDMA Dangerous If You Have Asthma

Ecstasy, another name for MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine) which helps in stimulating the secretion of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the brain. This induces some changes in the brain like high energy, empathy, openness and enhances the enjoyment through physical contacts. MDMA Abuse The abuse of MDMA could be detrimental and can cause a lot of complications including damage to the nervous system. This could bring the same results like that of using the alcohol. A large factor for using MDMA is hypertension or high stress. The best thing for people under depression is to avail natural antidepressant solution. This may include some change in your daily diet, increase in omega-3 and some herbal medicines to balance your emotions. Some people when suffering with asthma also use MDMA which is certainly not a good idea as MDMA use dangers the life of everyone and even the chances to get more complications is higher for the asthma patients. The same is also applicable for other conditions like high blood pressure, Diabetes, heart problem & epilepsy. MDMA has much effect on breathing and therefore chances for asthma patients to get problem with Ecstasy is much obvious. Usually asthma patients do use inhalers but question again is that, is it a risk to use inhaler when using ecstasy also? The reason is that blood pressure and heart rate increases when using the ecstasy and if you use inhaler in this situation would add much strain on your blood circulatory system. MDMA Dangers MDMA dangers not ...

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MDMA Under Your Tongue

In this article, you can find the right kind of MDMA information. MDMA crushed under the tongue is similar to the technique of MDMA intake called parachuting ecstasy where the ecstasy powder is wrapped in a tiny tissue paper parachute and gulped down.  Placing the MDMA powder under the tongue serves the same purpose that is of fast dissolution of the pill in your system. However, when you are trying MDMA under the impression that it is a natural antidepressant, you are clearly mistaken because MDMA is not any natural antidepressant at all. MDMA or ecstasy actually triggers the increased secretion of natural antidepressant neurochemicals like serotonin and dopamine in the human body, thereby attributing for the feel good feelings associated with the pills. MDMA Information Moreover, it might also interest you to know that the MDMA pill that you are popping in for psychedelic MDMA effects, might not be an ecstasy pill in the first place. There can be different kinds of drugs and chemicals like heroin or cocaine that might have been amalgamated with the pill. Therefore, it is always important to not deviate into using any banned drug in the first place, but if you as a grown up adult is still inclined to try ecstasy then at least pill test the pill that you have. A simple Marquis Reagent pill testing kit will be able to do the trick for you. Also, sites like www.pillreports.com consists of all kinds of necessary pill information that you might ...

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Connection Between Crystal Meth and MDMA

Crystal meth is a horrible horrible drug and it has no relation with ecstasy whatsoever except the fact that both are chemicals. The effects of ecstasy and crystal meth are completely different as crystal meth has the ability to turn a living person to a walking corpse and ecstasy does nothing like that. In fact, crystal meth is so poisonous that in Canada once a house where crystal meth has been found to be made needs to be decontaminated and can be uninhabitable for several months. Ecstasy tablets on the other hand are much safer in comparison, although ecstasy itself is also a banned drug. Crystal meth or ecstasy, none of them are natural antidepressant as none of them are naturally available. MDMA Effects Ecstasy still has some antidepressant effect, but psychotrophic drugs like crystal meth completely destroy the user, turning him or her into a walking corpse, wasting all social existence, and limited to being a tweaker only. The tweaker is a special term associated with crystal meth that shows just how horrible the drug is. Tweaker refers to the feelings of tweaking that the crystal meth user shows under the impression that bugs are crawling under the skin. Now anything that makes you feel like bugs crawling under your skin is bound to be something that is not so good, and that exactly is what happens with crystal meth. On the other hand, the feelings associated with ecstasy involves a feeling of lightness, happiness, coziness and empathy, so ...

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MDMA Legal

Ecstasy is normally the term used for a chemical substance MDMA. Now a days a variety of drugs are sold under the name of ecstasy. These may include substances related to MDMA, like MDA or MDEA. Other substances which are sold under ecstasy name are ketamine, amphetamines, caffeine, DXM and many more. MDMA information includes that it increases the amount of neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. Effect of this drug lasts for about 24 hours and taking more doses of MDMA causes negative effects than positive effects. MDMA does not cause physical dependence but people may think that they are psychologically addicted to this drug. People with pre-existing medical problems such as liver disorders, kidney diseases, high blood pressure and mental diseases should avoid MDMA. MDMA Effects MDMA cause alternation of perception, thoughts and mood thus acts as natural antidepressant. It is a synthetic drug manufactured by a German pharmaceutical company in early twentieth century for the treatment of obesity. But later on it was used as hallucinogenic drug allowing its user to feel relax. It is available in the form of tablets in the market. Mostly it is used by teenagers from middle to upper class. It is less expensive making it attractive for its user. MDMA is used by a small group of people known as raves. They mostly spend there time in parties and dancing. The effect of MDMA last for 4 to 6 hours depending upon its effectiveness. MDMA should never be used during energy drinks ...

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MDMA or Marijuana More Dangerous

Methylene-dioxy-methamphetamine is form of an artificial drug that is generated chemically and is popularly known as MDMA. MDMA is taken in the forms of tablets but some recent MDMA information reveals that it is injected in the body at the street sides and is commonly known as ecstasy and love drug. MDMA directly affects the neuron system of the body and is responsible for increasing the temperature of the body that causes ecstasy. The long term usage of such drug can cause kidney malfunctioning and cardiovascular failure. And it is very hard to come down from the influence of MDMA. MDMA Facts MDMA facts show that when you start to take it regularly then it increases the emotional feelings. Usually the user experience a great feeling of being close to others and it gradually increases the sociability of the user. Whenever someone take MDMA then the pupil gets dilated and the vision gets blurred and eyesight becomes suddenly quick or slow and it makes the heart beat faster and increased blood pressure and the users experiences restlessness and keeps the people awaked for hours. MDMA comedown causes depression that lasts for days. Marijuana Popularity The natural drug that is used is cannabis and is commonly known as marijuana. Marijuana is also a psycho addictive drug and is generated through cannabis plant. MDMA facts show that Marijuana is the most widely used drug in the world. On the basis of MDMA information, it is learnt that marijuana exists in the forms ...

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MDMA Usually Looks Like

MDMA is much commonly known as Ecstasy and it is better defined as 3,4 Methlynedioxymethamphetamine drug that is basically used for diminishing anxiety, jealousy and hostility. Besides, MDMA is also treated as a natural antidepressant as by ruling the brain it tends to bring warmth and relaxation to the user. Many individuals desiring to provoke their intimate relations with partners or trying to motivate their sex life in spite of various MDMA dangers prefer using this drug. But as it has been proved since history, that excess of everything is harmful; similarly, MDMA if taken in excess or in a wrong manner can bring lot many MDMA dangers and these can be as hazardous to a person as it could be maximum think of. Some of the common MDMA effects are infertility, heart problems, brain malfunctioning and liver related too. MDMA In Pills Form Mostly sold in a pill form, it is difficult to determine the ratio or quantity of a particular drug that MDMA contains. Depending upon the brand name, this natural antidepressant differs in their shape, compositions and effectiveness. But with every tablet, some or the other MDMA effects are linked with. Therefore prior consuming any of them, it is always recommendable to consult a health care provider to know the entire MDMA information and to make yourself clear with all the existing MDMA use dangers. MDMA Information It is mostly the adolescents who use this tablet as a natural antidepressant and being young age are most of ...

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MDMA And Serotonin Receptors

The main concern about prolonged use of MDMA, whose main role is to release natural antidepressant when high on the drug known as ecstasy, is related to the effects it can have on the brain. In order to understand how MDMA effects can influence brain activity and brain cells, one needs to understand what exactly happens in the brain when ecstasy enters blood flow and it is transported to the brain. The Role Of Natural Antidepressant MDMA information that is available right now shows that the release of natural antidepressant is what determines the very pleasant feeling experienced when taking ecstasy. Once ecstasy enters the brain, its main effects are on serotonin receptors. The entire quantity that the brain disposes of at that time is forced through the natural antidepressant receptors, and MDMA starts its work. Not every brain cell contains serotonin receptors, as they are specialized in transporting certain hormones, so a certain area of the brain will enter in overdrive while MDMA is taking effect. To understand how the process works, imagine the serotonin receptors as little one way doors that allow the serotonin to be flushed through, but close soon after. There are also other receptors, called reuptake receptors that bring back some of the serotonin to be recycled through the brain cell. However, when on ecstasy, the amount that goes through the reuptake cycle is far less than normal. The sudden release of such a large quantity of serotonin – which is the entire reserve of ...

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MDMA Increase In Popularity

Cancer patients go through a lot of pain in their last stages. Doctors use ecstasy or MDMA as a natural antidepressant to make the end as less painful as possible. The reason why ecstasy is used is because it helps to reduce the anxiety one feels with a lot of pain. It helps to calm the patient. If the patient feels less anxious about his or her pain then he or she can handle the pain in a much better manner. Ecstasy is also used as a natural antidepressant in cases of treating post traumatic stress. It helps the individual to open up and talk to the counsellor. What is the reason for MDMA popularity Many individuals think that since MDMA can be used for medical reasons it must not have adverse effects on the mind and the body. Many myths are circulating among the teenagers that ecstasy does not affect the normal functioning of life. All these are misconceptions and these misconceptions have led to MDMA popularity. The truth is that ecstasy can have devastating effects on the physical and mental body both. Ecstasy does not give an immediate high. It takes some time before reacting. Many individuals feel the need to over consume ecstasy as they think a small quantity has no effects. Another reason which has led to MDMA popularity is rave parties. The trend of rave parties which had started almost 30 years ago is still alive, only a few dangerous modifications have been made. Ecstasy ...

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Medical Help Signs After Taking MDMA

Contrary to popular belief, a person can become addicted to MDMA after the first time. The addiction though is mental and causes a person to constantly think about when their next high will be. For first time users it is important to know the MDMA effects and to make sure to take precaution if something is to go wrong during and after the use of MDMA. MDMA Information MDMA information states that the best way to prevent any dangers from occurring is to avoid the drug entirely. However, MDMA information has provided a list of signs to be aware of and claims that if any of the signs are to occur to immediately seek medical help. For first time users especially, it is advised that they do not take the drug alone. It is better to be surrounded by a group of trusted friends who can help if something is to go wrong. Confusion and nausea are also signs of an MDMA high that is going bad. A person may also become dehydrated; their bodies are not able to function properly. MDMA effects lead a person to restlessness and tend to dance all night long. MDMA information advises people to not wear hates to avoid the body from shutting down from dehydration and the body overheating. MDMA Effects Furthermore, heart palpitations, or heartbeats of more than 120 per minutes, and convulsions are urgent signs that the body is rejecting the drug. An ambulance should be immediately called and the quicker ...

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MDMA In Your System

Generally, the body’s metabolism breaks MDMA down within the course of 48 hours. While MDMA effects wear off within 6-8 hours, urine and blood test are not able to detect MDMA residue of about 1% that remains for 3-5 days after use. Depending on the speed a person’s metabolism works at, residue products will disappears sooner or might be retained for longer. MDMA Information Other than marijuana, stimulants like MDMA do not build up in the body if used excessively. At the latest, the user should test negative 5 days after the last consumption of the drug. According to MDMA information, ecstasy pills are often cut with other substances like amphetamines that can be detected for up to 96 hours or methamphetamines than can show up on a test as long as 120 hours after use. MDMA Effects Even if some labs do not test for MDMA, the substance is closely related to amphetamines and is likely to show up on an amphetamine or methamphetamine test, which is administered during most drug tests, for 48 hours. The substance is detectable in hair test long after MDMA effects have worn off, even though tests for the drug are not included in all standard hair tests. The test commonly test 1.5 inches of new hair growth, enabling them to detect MDMA up to 90 days after use. MDMA Use Obtaining MDMA information is useful, but will not guarantee that you pass a drug test. Consuming ecstasy tablets means consuming a product that ...

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