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Tag Archives: mdma overdose

Medical Help Signs After Taking MDMA

Contrary to popular belief, a person can become addicted to MDMA after the first time. The addiction though is mental and causes a person to constantly think about when their next high will be. For first time users it is important to know the MDMA effects and to make sure to take precaution if something is to go wrong during and after the use of MDMA. MDMA Information MDMA information states that the best way to prevent any dangers from occurring is to avoid the drug entirely. However, MDMA information has provided a list of signs to be aware of and claims that if any of the signs are to occur to immediately seek medical help. For first time users especially, it is advised that they do not take the drug alone. It is better to be surrounded by a group of trusted friends who can help if something is to go wrong. Confusion and nausea are also signs of an MDMA high that is going bad. A person may also become dehydrated; their bodies are not able to function properly. MDMA effects lead a person to restlessness and tend to dance all night long. MDMA information advises people to not wear hates to avoid the body from shutting down from dehydration and the body overheating. MDMA Effects Furthermore, heart palpitations, or heartbeats of more than 120 per minutes, and convulsions are urgent signs that the body is rejecting the drug. An ambulance should be immediately called and the quicker ...

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Overdose on MDMA

Drug abuse is often categorized as overdose, and its worst effects can include mortality. MDMA, the drug known by the name of ecstasy in clubs and on the streets, seems to be safer than other illegal drugs, since the number of deaths caused by MDMA yearly is insignificant. However, overdosing on MDMA is possible, and unwanted MDMA effects do exist, even if they are less damaging than those that accompany the use of other drugs. Despite the pleasant sensations caused by the release of natural antidepressant caused by MDMA, some nasty effects may occur from time to time. The Lethal Dose One of the things about ecstasy, according to official MDMA information, that classify it as a safer drug than most is that the lethal dose cannot be reached so easily. In order to attain the lethal dose of MDMA, one needs to take about 40 normal doses over a short duration of time. Since most users do not take more than one of two pills, there is no wonder there are so few deaths related to ecstasy overdose. Reliable MDMA information points out that overdose of ecstasy is mostly related to other factors, such as overheating, or other illnesses, like diabetes, or heart conditions. The Worst Enemy: Hyperthermia It is common knowledge that the worst of MDMA effects is overheating. Since ecstasy is mostly consumed in clubs, where the atmosphere can get very hot, due to wild dancing and lack of breaks, a usual recommendation for users of MDMA ...

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