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Tag Archives: mdma review

Painkillers Effects On MDMA

Painkillers are known to have a certain amount of interaction with MDMA, depending on timing and amount. People that are on a painkiller medication for certain illnesses are strongly advised against combining the prescribed drugs with illegal drugs, since unwanted effects can appear. However, a lot of MDMA information says that painkillers are a great aid the next day, as they can diminish the nasty MDMA effects that are similar with a hangover. But what happens if you take painkillers prior to taking MDMA? Here are some pointers on this issue. How Painkillers Interact With MDMA MDMA, the known drug called ecstasy, makes the brain release all the natural antidepressant it can make at a certain time, which usually leads to a general state of well being, and intensified feelings, sensations and emotions. Painkillers, through their nature, are designed to numb the pain, and generally any sensation. This is why taking painkillers the day before taking the drug will diminish the MDMA effects, and the high will be less than it used to be without taking painkillers. Numbing All The Sensations Releasing so much natural antidepressant is usually a very powerful experience, but, if you take painkillers, the intensity will drop a little, or more, depending on the amount of painkillers taken. Since all the sensations will be numbed to a certain degree, you will not feel as elevated as when using MDMA without painkillers. What you can do, if you want the MDMA effects to be experienced to the ...

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MDMA or Alcohol Worse

A new debate is taking place as we speak on the effects of well known drugs and those of the more common – and legal – alcohol and tobacco. The debate has been fired up lately by the official statements made by health care professionals basically saying that drugs such as cannabis and ecstasy are actually less harmful than drinking alcohol or smoking every single day. One of the drugs in focus is MDMA, also known as ecstasy, which enjoys a large popularity among young adults, due to its properties of stimulating the natural antidepressant release in the brain. However, in order to give a sound answer to the above question, looking up some MDMA information as well as facts on alcohol consumption is needed. Deadly or not One of the most important MDMA effects any possible consumer should be warned of is the deadly potential of the said drug. It seems that the numbers are reassuring, since only a few deaths occur annually because of drug abuse. On the hand, alcohol consumption provides a different take on the problem; at least one person dies of alcohol poisoning every day, and there are thousands of deaths due to prolonged use each year. As far as the rate mortality is concerned, it seems that the MDMA information that is available, statistically speaking, points out that ecstasy is less deadly than alcohol. Effects on the brain It is almost common knowledge that MDMA effects include some nasty ones that have to deal ...

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Connection Between Crystal Meth and MDMA

Crystal meth is a horrible horrible drug and it has no relation with ecstasy whatsoever except the fact that both are chemicals. The effects of ecstasy and crystal meth are completely different as crystal meth has the ability to turn a living person to a walking corpse and ecstasy does nothing like that. In fact, crystal meth is so poisonous that in Canada once a house where crystal meth has been found to be made needs to be decontaminated and can be uninhabitable for several months. Ecstasy tablets on the other hand are much safer in comparison, although ecstasy itself is also a banned drug. Crystal meth or ecstasy, none of them are natural antidepressant as none of them are naturally available. MDMA Effects Ecstasy still has some antidepressant effect, but psychotrophic drugs like crystal meth completely destroy the user, turning him or her into a walking corpse, wasting all social existence, and limited to being a tweaker only. The tweaker is a special term associated with crystal meth that shows just how horrible the drug is. Tweaker refers to the feelings of tweaking that the crystal meth user shows under the impression that bugs are crawling under the skin. Now anything that makes you feel like bugs crawling under your skin is bound to be something that is not so good, and that exactly is what happens with crystal meth. On the other hand, the feelings associated with ecstasy involves a feeling of lightness, happiness, coziness and empathy, so ...

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MDMA Definition

Are you looking for some helpful MDMA information? MDMA stands for MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine, and is commonly referred to on the street as ecstasy.  MDMA is not a legal substance, and illegal manufacturers of this drug are risking facing jail time for its creation. It is also illegal to distribute this drug, as there are many dangers which users face. This drug is generally taken orally, and comes in a capsule or tablet form. However there are other ways which MDMA can be consumed, such as inhaling it in a powder form through the nostrils. MDMA Effects This drug has an effect which generally lasts anywhere from three to six hours, and MDMA comedown time can go for much longer. This is the time in which the drug will start to wear off and its user will be faced with negative effects, such as tiredness and a feeling of sadness. MDMA is not a natural antidepressant and therefore does not have a harmonious effect on the body. It is important to know the MDMA facts before you go and try this drug. MDMA Dosage MDMA dosages are usually one or two tablets, or capsules, in size. If too much of this substance is taken there can be serious health risks, which can even result in death. Many users tend to take more MDMA as the effects start to wear off from the first dosage. This can result in problems as people will take more and more of the drug in order to ...

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The drug Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA for short, is a stimulant drug that releases high levels of serotonin to give people an utter feeling of ecstasy-which is just one of the many street names MDMA possess. MDMA History MDMA was first introduced in 1912 by a German scientist, Anton Kollisch. It was administered to patients to stop abnormal bleeding. The psychedelic MDMA effects were unknown and unstudied until the 1970s. It then became a more popular mood enhancer than marijuana and natural anti depressants. MDMA is an illegal drug and can cause serious health issues, especially for frequent users. It comes in the form of a tablet, but MDMA information has stated that some users report taking the drug anally. It can also come in powder form and is sometimes snorted by users. It is rarely injected but it can be done. MDMA Effects The effects of MDMA can last roughly three to six hours. Like many other drugs and natural antidepressants, MDMA is not used alone. Often it is mixed with alcohol and other drugs. This can cause serious health concerns. MDMA is a drug that is most often used at clubs and raves because it makes people have heightened sensations. Many users find it quite enjoyable to pop one or two pills and dance the night away to loud rhythmic music. Though MDMA effects may not be physically addictive, MDMA information services have shown that the drug creates mental addictions. Frequent users eventually become reliant on the drug, just ...

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MDMA Psychedelic Drug

In creating and forming friendships, everyone can feel different kinds of emotions such as loneliness, love and aloofness. People are eating foods to satisfy the needs of one’s tongue and body. Some people are reading anything just for pleasure and thinking. Everything that people do is the sole purpose of varying consciousness. In every moment of people’s lives, they are struggling to supervise the course of cognition, emotion and sensation towards the consciousness state that people value. Is there anything such as natural antidepressants? MDMA Information Some of drugs are dangerous, illegal and stigmatized. These drugs are extraordinary with utility and power such as the psilocybin. Psilocybin is the active substance in the drug called magic mushroom and LSD. This kind of drug are well-tolerated in physical manner and do not have the risk of drug addiction. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or ecstasy is remarkably has therapeutic potential although it is seemly neurotoxin and it is risky and abusive. The greatest thing that people would do is to educate one’s self on what they have to ingest. Psychedelic Drug Information Psychedelic is defined as the state of mind characterized of sensory intensified perception through profound sensations. It is accompanied by the distortion of severe perception and hallucinations thus extreme sensation of despair and euphoria based on Methylenedioxymethamphetamine information. The existence of psychedelics builds the material basis of spiritual and mental aspects of life. Psychedelic drugs or natural antidepressant can decrease the activity of the brain. However, these drugs produce state of mind viewed ...

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