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Tag Archives: mdma tolerance informaton

MDMA Tolerance

MDMA or ecstasy is a banned drug and whatever you have heard about the abusive effects of MDMA is true. MDMA is not a natural antidepressant in itself and it does have a lethality dose. When you look up for MDMA information over the net such as how long does MDMA tolerance lasts in the brain, you should be aware of the fact that you are actually looking up to the critical balance between recreational dose and lethality dose in your brain. MDMA Effects The differentiation between lethality dose and recreational dose is precisely the differentiation between life and death, so it may be perhaps useful if you do a thorough research on ecstasy before you pop the pill or even while you are already popping the pill. But of course you are already doing that, otherwise you would not have searched for MDMA information over the net. Since your lookout for right MDMA information has brought you to this page, therefore you may find it interesting to know that this article provides you with all the useful information about MDMA tolerance that you would like to know. However, before we dig deeper into MDMA effects and tolerance issues, it is important to understand first what do we exactly mean by the word tolerance in this respect. MDMA Use When we talk about MDMA tolerance, we actually talk about the thin line between MDMA use and abuse. Although, in this context it should be fair to clear the air about ...

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