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Tag Archives: melancholia reasons

What Is Melancholia

Melancholia, also known as black temperament, is a medical condition that was identified almost 500 years back. Hippocrates was the first person to spot this disorder. Mood swings, sadness, and extreme depression best describe melancholia. To have a better understanding of what is melancholia¸ keep reading this article. Melancholia Causes According to Hippocrates, melancholia or symptoms of unhappiness is caused due to a large quantity of black bile in their bodies. Melancholia is a Greek word that literally means “black bile” but its figurative meaning is sadness. Melancholia is better known as melancholic depression. If a person gets a melancholic depression attack, his enthusiasm level drops to a great extent and he continues to feel miserable for a long time. He loses interest in everything around him and feels gloomy inside. Nothing can cheer him up at that moment. Sufferers of melancholia often undergo a depression episode when something stressful happens around them. This disorder can also be inherited from your parents and can also take place if you have bipolar disease I. Bipolar disease I is a psychologically related mood disorder in which the patient suffers from chaotic mood swings. Spiritual or religious people sometimes have a different perspective about melancholia. There are two schools of thoughts regarding what melancholia is. According to one, people undergo the extreme grief when they lose something important like feeling sad over a loved one’s death. The other school of thought describes it as the sorrow one experiences when he/she is unable to ...

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