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Tag Archives: mental disorder cure

Effects of Mental Disorder

Mental health is of great importance to lead a happy and healthy life. Mental disorders are the maladaptive patterns of behavior. However, both biological and psychological factors work together and herbal supplement reviews can remedy mental disorder. Mental disorders are usually categorized into two categories: • Psychotic mental disorders • Neurotic mental disorders Effects of Mental Disorder A person suffering from a psychotic mental disorder requires hospitalization and proper treatment over a period. Although these types of mental disorders are curable; but on the other hand, they are quite dangerous for the victim as well as for the people around him. The patient often tries suicide in extreme cases. Whereas in neurotic mental disorder the patient however, does not require hospitalization and they are so far the less severe form of mental illness. In taking note of both these types, the effects of mental disorder are not only restricted to the individual itself. If we look into this context properly, we will find that the effects of mental disorder are quite troublesome for the family and friends of the patients as well in both cases—how they react in certain situations is quite painful for the people around the patient as well. Therefore, it is not only the patient who suffers from this anguish, it is equally painful for those who live around the patient. Hence these severe and annoying effects of mental disorder disturb the whole life of an individual in no time. Personality Disorganization However, mental disorders are the ...

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