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Methylenedioxymethamphetamine In Your System

MDMA is a synthetic and psychoactive drug that is chemically related to mescaline which is a hallucinogen and to methamphetamine which is a stimulant. Its full chemical term is 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. This drug generates a tactile experience, feeling an increase emotional warmth, euphoria and increase in energy and distortions of perception and time. Dangerous Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Effects MDMA can also be hazardous to the health of the user and even fatal. This drug can give physical effects that are similar to other stimulants like amphetamine and cocaine. Rise in blood pressure and heart rate is one of the effects that increases risk for people who are suffering from heart diseases and circulatory problems. The users may also experience other effects like sweating or chills, faintness, poor vision, nausea, involuntary teeth clenching and muscle tension. Moreover, MDMA can interrupt with the ability of the body to control temperature if ingested in higher dosages. This effect is unpredictable which can result to a drastic increase in body temperature also known as hyperthermia, which can lead to cardiovascular system, kidney and liver failure or even death. It can also interrupt with its own breakdown in the body, therefore, if you ingested MDMA repeatedly within short time intervals, dangerous levels can be reached. Some drugs that have a chemical connection with MDMA like paramethoxyamphetamine and methylenedioxyamphetamine are also sold as ecstasy. These drugs can produce more health threats to the user or can be neurotoxic. In addition, ecstasy may also contain some chemical substances methamphetamine, cocaine, ...

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