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Tag Archives: moll popularity with teens

Why is Molly Popular

The molly popularity facts suggest several reasons for molly popularity. However, in order to understand the extent of molly popularity one must look back at the history of molly to understand how the drug grew in popularity over the past few decades. This article presents you with molly popularity information regarding the reasons why molly grew in popularity over the decades. Also presented here is an analysis of why is molly popular in the context of the biochemistry of the drug in your brain. In addition, here is also presented a brief report on how to avoid the abusive effects of the drug based on useful  molly popularity information available  here. This is because only when you are informed you can take an informed decision regarding the drug. Molly Popularity Information The popularity of molly began in the late seventies during the time when rave parties were beginning to emerge in the social scenario. Just as facebook emerged in the social scenario in the 21st century, seventies and eighties were the time for the rave parties to prosper. It was about the same time, that an American psychoanalyst Alexander Shulgin began to test the use of ecstasy or molly or mdma in his psychiatry practices. Shulgin’s experiments earned him the reputation of being the father of ecstasy, although this drug had been developed and patented long ago by a German company. Shulgin was reportedly the first human to test the drugs on himself and therefore inspired others too to try ...

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