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Tag Archives: molly addiction treatment

What Causes Molly Addiction

Molly is a natural antidepressant and also sends a surge of euphoria through the users mind as an immediate effect. This means that molly interferes with the brain’s neurotransmitter systems to alleviate depression and induce euphoria. The very interference with the brain makes it addictive. The brain adapts to the molly addiction effects in a way that when the use is discontinued the brain does not deal with depression expecting the natural antidepressant to do it. Also, the body gets insensitive o molly and therefore to elicit the same desired response one has to increase the amount every time molly is taken. The long term molly addiction effects are hazardous to health, both physical and mental. Molly Addiction People turn to drugs to achieve something. The reward is sometimes peer acceptance. It could be someone’s way of dealing with harsh realities too. Molly is used particularly for peer acceptance and displaying an image of an up to date teenager. There are several reasons why some people are addicted to molly while others simply discontinue the use after experiencing it a few times or take it occasionally. Genetic Predisposition Our genetic make-up has a prominent role to play in shaping our personalities. Having parents who have had a drug problem predisposes us to develop addiction to some drug as well. It in no way means that the addiction itself is genetic and we would necessarily be addicted if one of our parents is. What is inherited is a vulnerability to drug ...

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How Common is Molly Addiction

Molly is a derivative of amphetamine; the chemical name for it is 3,4-  methylenedioksy-methamphetamineand (MDMA). Molly stimulates the central nervous system. The designer drug, molly, is gaining popularity every day. It is particularly popular among adolescents and complements their night-long parties at underground clubs or ‘raves’. It is usually taken in the form of a pill and has a strong euphoric effect. Molly works as a natural anti-depressant and induces a sense of euphoria, which is the major incentive for its use and abuse. Molly addiction has increased in the United States over the past few years. Molly Addiction Information Over one third of the molly users fulfill the criteria for drug addiction or drug abuse problems as NIDA had reported. People addicted to molly develop strong tolerance: they would need more and more quantity of the drug to bring the same effect. Molly addiction has strong withdrawal effects, that is, if a person habitual of molly use stops taking it, he or she will face adverse symptoms like depression, paranoia, anxiety, apart from craving for the natural antidepressant. This shows that the dependence is largely psychological. There is a negative stigma attached to certain addictive drugs. Molly addiction information is easily accessible; still its abuse is only increasing. Unfortunately, molly addiction faces no social stigma and that prevents any decrease in the prevalence of the addiction. Molly Addiction Effects Molly addiction effects are similar to the impact of addiction to cocaine and amphetamines. The dependence of the drug is ...

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