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Tag Archives: molly addiction

Anxiety Caused By Molly

As molly drug facts suggest, the experience of molly follows a series of steps. The rewarding effects of molly include euphoria and stimulation. This is the peak phase under which a person may engage in risky behavior as he feels overconfident, safe, and in control. According to the molly drug information, when this peak phase is over there is a comedown stage. Anxiety is one of the effects of molly drug comedown. Anxiety From Molly Effects The anxiety resulted in this way is hard to get rid of for most people. But there is a reason for that. The anxiety is a part of the molly drug comedown along with other symptoms such as depression and insomnia; these are the accepted molly drug facts. Molly is a natural antidepressant and induced euphoria as aforementioned and a strong urge to take the drug. So the easiest shortcut to deal with the comedown and the amalgamated feelings of anxiety and depression is to get back to the natural antidepressant. And instead of dealing with the anxiety effectively, people follow the urge to go back to the drug. Again it helps with the anxiety and depression momentarily, while worsening the psychological and physical well-being. Molly Comedown The effects accompanying the molly drug comedown diminish with time as the comedown phase is over. Generally, the comedown lasts for three to five days. With this the depression and anxiety are gone. But prolonged addiction to molly may predispose one to develop an anxiety disorder which ...

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Molly Effects On Reproductive Organs

Molly is the jargon for “molecular”, is considered the purest form of MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) which is the main component of the ecstasy or e-pill, and is considered to act as a natural antidepressant. Molly is usually found in the form of powder and is considered more effective than e-pill. In many countries, molly is more easily available as compared to e-pill and so is preferred over ecstasy amongst many youngsters. In addition to this, the dosage of both the drug is more or less the same and so is the price. Molly Use The use of recreational drug generally does have severe side effects including direct effect on the reproductive organs but in the case of molly, the results have been surprisingly different. Many experiments and studies have been conducted worldwide to understand the consequences of MDMA on the reproductive organs of both animals and human beings. It was generally observed that the chemical did not directly have any effect on the reproductive organs however, in many cases where pregnant women used ecstasy and molly, it was seen that the chemical affected the fetus. Some of the newborn babies under e-pill and molly suffered from lungs and heart issues. The brains of such babies were abnormally small or large. Although molly users do not lose the ability to reproduce, but using the pill during pregnancy can be dangerous for both the health of mother and the baby. Molly Effects Molly like ecstasy is considered a natural antidepressant by most of ...

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Addicted to Molly

The question of if someone can become addicted to molly solely depends upon on how you use molly drug. The dosage of molly should be taken according to your acquired molly drug information. If this is not done, then you are likely to get addicted to molly.  Molly is also called Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or ecstasy. There are so many molly drug effects. The effects are both beneficial and dangerous to MDMA users.Considering the advantages of MDMA, research has shown that medically, it is useful in the treatment of psychotherapy related sicknesses. Doctors say natural antidepressant can be used instead. Recent medical expert researched that when tested on their patients, the patients’ conditions got improved in numerous mild psychiatric disorders alongside other psycho-related cases. In the other way round, research has also proved that there are so many adverse effects that are attached to the use of molly. Ranging from thirst/dry mouth, grinding of teeth when asleep, jaw clenching, difficulty in concentrating, and so on. These adverse effects are said to be felt by molly users after enjoying the benefits between 2-3 hours. Molly Drug Effects The use of MDMA is not limited to some certain sets or group of people. An alternative to molly is natural antidepressant. Molly has some molly drug effects .The doctors use it to treat their mentally disordered people, sports men use it to enhance their performance in various sporting competitions, and dancers use it to enhance their performance at various competitions, and so on. Though ...

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Molly Natural or Synthetic Substance

Molly drug facts reveal that it is a synthetic drug and is a more intense form of Ecstasy. It has more potency and is becoming popular in many cities. Molly drug information given by the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration makes it clear that the drug causes serious effects like increased body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure.  You may feel good after using the drug, but it lasts for a short time. Molly drug comedown effects are very unpleasant and uncomfortable. Depression and anxiety are common after Molly drug use.  In order to come out of such effects, you need to take natural antidepressant. Molly Drug Facts Experts provide Molly drug facts that can help you understand the harmful effects of the drug. It acts like a stimulant. As it is a street drug, the dealers may mix Molly with some other drug, which can cause numerous effects on your body. Molly drug information provided by some experts discloses that the drug causes different reaction in different person.  The degree of reaction varies from person to person. The most important problem with this drug is that it does not always do the same thing. It hits your nerve receptors and changes brain signals, which play a vital role of regulating all functions of your body. Molly drug can cause changes in your vision and mood. It may even cause fatality. Molly Drug Information The most powerful tool against molly drug abuse is knowledge. Getting as much Molly drug information ...

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Molly Harmful To Your Health

Molly Harmful To Your Health Molly drug is harmful to your health in many different ways. For this reason, it is important to gather sufficient molly drug information from the internet so that you can take an informed decision about molly. There are different harmful effects of molly like headache, nausea and dizziness along with the risk that you are playing with the serotonin levels of your brain. If you are wondering what serotonin is and how is it related to molly, then this article presents you with useful molly drug information regarding the same. There is also other information like comedown molly drug effects and whether or not  you should really consider molly drug as a natural antidepressant. But first, the serotonin part. Serotonin Serotonin is a natural neurotransmitter that is generated within the brain neuron cells. The serotonin molecules are neurotransmitter molecules, so as to say, they are released in the synaptic junction of the brain cells whenever there is a transfer of nerve impulse from one brain cell to another. Serotonin molecules actually transmit the nerve impulse from one neuron to another. After the nerve impulse has been passed the serotonin is absorbed back into the neurons by specialized serotonin reuptake receptors present on the walls of the neuron at the synaptic junction. Molly drug molecules influence this serotonin release mechanism in the brain and create a heightened secretion of serotonin in the synaptic junction. This is how the molly drug effects work on the neurons. Molly ...

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Molly Addiction

The prevalence of molly addiction has increased greatly in the United States over the past few years. Molly is the common term for 3, 4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), also known as Ecstasy in adulterated forms. Molly is a psychoactive stimulant and has very dangerous side effects. Also known as love drug, cloud 9, this is the most popular club drug among teenagers and is consumed during the night-long and weekend-long parties in underground clubs. It is unfortunate that molly addiction is very common among eighth, ninth and tenth graders as well. Molly Drug Info Molly is typically taken in form of a pill. Some people also snort white molly powder.  Molly addiction is common among young adults as it is considered as a symbol of being up to date and ‘cool’. Information on molly addiction is easily accessible to the public and yet molly addiction is blooming. Molly addiction is not physical, that is, it does not cause physical dependence but a psychological one. Because it acts as a natural antidepressant, the users are likely to get hooked on to it to deal with depression and stress. The immediate effect of molly is a sense of euphoria and excitement. Molly drug information suggests that under the effect of molly, people experience a greater sexual desire, an urge to engage in risk taking behaviors, particularly risky sexual acts such as date rapes. Also, people feel a greater intimacy and empathy toward others. The primary reason for molly addiction is the ecstatic experience ...

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