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Tag Archives: mood swings ecstasy use

Mood Swings From Ecstasy Use

Yes indeed! Mood swings intensify after taking ecstasy, a recreational drug. The actual name of ecstasy is MDMA (3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), which is believed to relax people after longer working hours. The individuals use MDMA to boost their depressed mood and improve their fatigued and anxiety. Most often, people take ecstasy during night parties in order to feel high and get relaxed. Ecstasy relieves depression, anxiety, bad moods and fear of insecurity. It offers to love people and gives the feelings of intimacy. Ecstasy Effects Though it elevates mood and even leads to euphoria, but on the next day, it initiates totally reciprocal outcome in the form of depression, anxiety and boredom. So, it is clear that ecstasy intensifies mood swing, whether it is pleasant and elevated or depressed. However, in many countries, MDMA (ecstasy) is banned and illegal to use because of its dreadful side effects. The point to ponder is that if ecstasy elevates mood, why and how it causes depression and fatigue on the next day? Aren’t these totally reciprocal mechanisms- mood elevation in first few hours and depression on the next day? Several hypotheses have been developed to reach the conclusion why ecstasy produces elevated mood during first few hours of the use and then depression on the next day. All these mood swing symptoms are because of the disturbance in the chemical substances present in the brain. Natural antidepressant supplements may help decrease these mood swing symptoms. Neurotransmitters Ecstasy releases large amounts of neurotransmitters called serotonin ...

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