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Tag Archives: mood swings in men more common

Who Has Mood Swings More Men Or Women

As per mood swing information, women have two times more mood swings as compared to men. Irrespective of national and cultural background or economic status, it is almost two-to-one ratio that exists. Similar percentage has been reported all over the world. The rate of bipolar disorder (manic and depression) is same among men and women, but in women, its course is changed, as they are found to suffer from more depression as compared to mania. Reasons For Depression Many factors are unique to women and suspected why 5 htp instead of tryptophan to take part in increasing depression. Much research has been done to understand these precipitating factors, including; reproductive, hormonal, hereditary, or other organic factors. Irrespective of these factors, the specific cause for depression among women is still unclear and unknown. One thing that is interesting about depression is that although the cause is unknown, but it is a highly treatable disease. Depression And Mood Swings Stress is the main contributing factor to 5 htp and depression in those persons who are susceptible to the disease. Some researchers have said that higher incidence of depression among women is not due to their susceptibility. But, it is due to the specific stress that women face in their lives. These stresses are caused due to their responsibilities at their home and work like, single motherhood, caring for their children and old parents. Rates Of Depression The rates of depression, for both males and females, are higher among those who are separated ...

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