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Natural Treatments for Depression

Depression is often caused by acute anxiety, panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, and sometimes due to genetic factors. Depression in people is sometimes quite destructive and dangerous that it can force you to think that the only way to escape the anguish is SUICIDE! Yes – this is why, the reported cases of suicidal attempts have been increased to a great ratio within the past few decades and the major cause is depression. Therefore, suicidal attempts are the serious symptom of depression. However, the rate of depression in women is double than that of men gaba safe. This is perhaps because of the fact that males are less stressed than women. In addition to that, hormonal factors and differences in both genders also play an important role in the origin of double depression in women than in men. On the other hand, depression is more of an unhappy miserable state. Its symptoms vary from person to person according to your social and biological circumstances. During the past few decades, people are more aware about depression, its remedies and treatments. This awareness is also helpful in letting us know about the side effects of conventional medications especially the anti-depressants can gaba treat depression. Therefore, people are moving towards the natural treatments of depression to fight against depression. Since, depression is caused by the chemical imbalances in human body therefore, it requires proper treatments and medications and it cannot be ignored or taken up lightly. Depression natural remedies The natural treatments for ...

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