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Tag Archives: natural postnatal depression therapy

Natural Postnatal Depression Treatment

A potentially large number of women have postnatal depression which causes significant stress and mood disorders. While there is a large demand for depression treatment supplements, specific causes that trigger post natal depression have not yet been identifies although some symptoms and underlying causes point out to that direction. Blame it on the hormone or earlier history, the symptoms are agonizing for the new mother and the baby. Baby blues cannot be equated with postnatal depression because baby blues fades off in a week or two at the most. Postnatal Depression Symptoms Some symptoms of postnatal depression are stress and depression along with anxiety, restlessness, hyperventilation, change in eating habits like over eating or not eating at all, headaches, lack of interest in pleasure etc. The new mother feels trapped and adjusting to responsibilities is not easy as she is insecure and feels incapable. This is triggered by emotional problems already existing like financial constraints, problems with spouse or the pregnancy in itself which may have been unwanted. The extra work might be surmounting. A bucket full of baby clothes to wash, keeping awake at night, feeding problems and to top it all a jealous sibling.  A natural postnatal depression treatment would be to get the husband involves and offer support. He can take care of the baby at night or during day time if he is free. Postnatal Depression Effects This way the mother gets sleep and rest. He can help in household chores. It would be great if ...

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