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Tag Archives: natural SAD treatment

Does Tanning Help Treat Depression Or SAD

SAD refers to Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is a sort of depression that affects certain people during certain seasons. Most of the time it is a sort of lethargy or depression that comes only in winter and is commonly called depression. SAD Information If you look for SAD information teenage mood swing you’ll find that it is actually much more common that you would think. For example in Alaska around 9% of the population suffer from SAD symptoms. Generally the incidence of SAD is much higher in the far north than in more sunny locales. For instance up to 20% of Dutch people have SAD symptoms every year. Many researchers believe that this has something to do with the amount of sunlight that a person receives. This is substantiated by the fact that not only do SAD symptoms occur much more where sunlight is less in winter, one of the best SAD medication is light therapy. SAD Symptoms Light therapy is when artificial light is used to remove SAD symptoms, and SAD information says that it is much better does tyrosine put you in a good mood right away than any other kind of SAD medication in terms of results. The only problem seems to be the fact that most people do not continue the therapy simply because of the boredom. Light therapy as SAD medication entails that a person sit in front of a fluorescent light that gives as wide a spectrum of light as possible. This is so ...

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