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Tag Archives: niacin dosage information

Niacin Dosage

Niacin is one of  B-complex vitamins that is soluble in water. One of the unique properties of Niacin is its power to help you relax naturally and get good amount of sleep at night. The right amount of Niacin dosage can also help bring down the level of harmful cholesterol in the bloodstream of the person. Niacin definition and dosage can elevate the good cholesterol in the body and also balance the ratio of the high density to total cholesterol.” Niacin dosage can help reduce depression and anxiety to a great extent. This is because it can dilates the blood vessels thereby creating a”niacin flush.” When this happens you can see the blushing of the skin. Niacin Pharmacology Niacin pharmacology is little complicated to understand. This is because of the extensive metabolism that is specific to dose rate. Niacin biochemistry and Niacin pharmacology have to be understood and benefits of vitamin B6 well if we need to know its effectiveness in treating depression.  Nicotinamide and Nicotinic acid have similar vitamin activities, but the Niacin pharmacology is different from the Nicotinamide pharmacy. Out of the many depression natural remedies that are available, Niacin dosage is considered to be the most effective. If you have larger dose of the same, the flush would be more pronounced and can last for a long time. With every additional dose, the flush intensity would decrease and in some cases it has become a nuisance more than an irritant. It is important to remember that Niacin ...

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