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Tag Archives: parachuting club drugs

Parachuting Club Drugs

Some people do not like waiting too much for club drugs to take effect, so they use different methods to make the kick start occur sooner than usual. Since club drugs usually come in pill form, a very popular method among the clientele that frequents clubs where drug consumption is the norm, is the so called parachuting. A slang term coined by drug users, parachuting practically means to crush the pills into a fine powder and swallow it. Usually club drugs effects occur sooner, because the stomach does not have to break down the solid form of the pill in order to let the active ingredients enter the bloodstream. Advantages Of Parachuting Parachuting is a popular method, according to club drugs information, mostly because it can make users achieve the wanted effects in a shorter period of time. When a drug is taken in pill form, it takes about half an hour to one hour for the club drugs effects to take place. When parachuting the drugs, the effects can be felt within fifteen minutes. Also, the intensity of the high on natural antidepressant seems to be a little more intense, because it kicks in so fast. What Parachuting Does Not Mean Some mistakenly assume that parachuting is somewhat related to the purity of the club drugs. However, reliable club drugs information shows that the powder form does not mean that the purity is modified in some way. Also, club drugs in pure form are not an usual occurrence, since ...

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