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Unipolar Depression Effects on Your Body

According to statistics 4.9% of Americans have been diagnosed with Unipolar depression (also known as Major Depression or Unipolar disorder). Everyone goes through a rough patch but the well known unipolar depression related effects on your body is a prolonged feeling of sadness that will not go away. For instance, a person who is going through a sad episode may suddenly snap out of their mood when they receive good news but a person who has been diagnosed with unipolar depression will not be moved by any positive happenings in their lives. Aside from the unpleasant unipolar depression related effects on your body and adjustment disorder definition, this mood disorder has been known to rob sufferers of personal and professional relationships – think about it, who wants to be in the same room with a perpetually grumpy person? Well Known Unipolar Depression Related Effects on Your Body Aside from the obvious feelings of sadness, unipolar depression can affect your body in the following ways: •    Sleeplessness (insomnia) – finding it difficult to get to sleep or stay asleep or sleeping more than usual (hypersomnia) •    Change in eating habits which may lead to weight gain or weight loss (losing up to five percent of body weight). The effects of unipolar disorder in children most times appear as the inability to achieve the normal weight gain related to growth. •    Easily moved to tears over the smallest issues; which can make others around you feel very uncomfortable. •    Entertaining thoughts of ...

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