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Tag Archives: positive mood origins

Positive Mood

All of us aim at being in a positive mood which translates into being happy. Apart from the obvious benefits, a balanced, happy mood promotes good health and enhances productivity and performance. With a little awareness, it is not difficult to remain in a positive mood always as you learn how living with depression is possible. Mood swings can be effectively combated with certain strategies such as facing problems head on, dealing with the root cause of negative thinking, avoiding negative media inputs and keeping away from negative people. One of the best ways of remaining in a positive mood is to refrain from being anxious about the future and worrying about the past. In other words, living in the present will help you remain emotionally stable and avoid any negative thoughts from entering your mind. Origins Of Positive State Of Mind When you are in a positive mood, endorphins flow freely in the brain. This translates to the truth that if you devise ways to keep the endorphins flowing, you can remain in a good mood. Positive mood origins can therefore be traced to certain acts that can increase the endorphin level in the brain. Much of this is possible if you take olive leaf extract for depression. A nice walk in a naturally beautiful place boosts production of endorphins. This is one of the positive mood origins that cannot be ignored. Other activities that enhance endorphin productive include exercising on a regular basis, laughing to our heart’s content ...

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