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Club Drugs Flashback

Flashbacks sometimes occur in users of club drugs, even if they have not used the illegal substances for a long period of time. A regular flashback usually consists of visual hallucinations and other disturbances which are very similar to the ones experienced by the user when they were under the influence of the club drugs. However, such club drugs effects are not often mentioned among the health consequences of these substances, which means that the flashback episodes may be related to other particularities of each case than only the use of club drugs. What People Are Affected It is not very easy to identify which cases are affected by flashbacks of this kind. Since many people consume such drugs, because they love the sensations triggered by the natural antidepressant released by the active substances in their drug of choice, it is interesting to notice that only a small minority actually goes through the experience of having flashbacks. Not enough club drugs information is available yet on flashbacks and why exactly they occur. Another interesting thing about these flashback episodes is that they can occur even years after giving up on drugs and the club drugs effects worn off. Since club drugs are yet to be demonstrated to have permanent impact on brain activity, there is no clear explanation why these events take place. How Does A Club Drugs Flashback Look Like Those that have experienced club drugs flashbacks testify that the sensations are very similar to those they used to ...

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