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Tag Archives: post traumatic stress disorder effects

Supplements For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief

Thousands of individuals suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. There are a number of causes for the occurrence and persistence of this complication and they usually vary from one person to another. The complication can turn out to create a number of problems if not cured within the right time. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of the different treatment methods and remedies that are available to cure post-traumatic stress disorder. Vitamin, Minerals, 5-HTP Serotonin and Anti-Oxidant supplements can work wonders to treat this disorder. Post traumatic stress disorder, as the name suggests is a stress disorder that is followed by a major trauma. Supplements For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- How Can They Help There are many supplements for post traumatic stress disorder relief available in the market today. Hence, an individual may find it difficult to shortlist some of the best and most effective out of them. Spending a few minutes online to scan through different options is highly recommended. This way, you will get introduced to supplements that are efficient. Here is information on different supplements for post traumatic stress disorder. In case you want to take mild dosage you can opt for herbal supplements for post-traumatic stress disorder that can give you relief. B Vitamins B Vitamins supplements are available for sale over the internet. Out of a wide range of options, B Vitamin Complex is a supplement that is highly recommended. It has already shown amazing results on individuals as far as reducing their stress level ...

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Causes Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder has been around for a number of decades. Such kind of stress is a result of witnessing a horrifying event or series of events that end up overloading the mind to such an extent that it takes years for an individual to drain all the unwanted memories and come back to a normal life. Symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder are not very easy to identify like in a melancholia test. In most of the cases, these symptoms tend to be with the individual for a long time before he/she even notices them. Unfortunately, by the time the symptoms are classified, they reach high intensity and hence the process of treatment takes that much longer. Common Causes Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder The causes of post-traumatic stress disorder can be many. The different causes of post-traumatic stress disorder are a big subject of study. Following are the incidences that could lead an individual into such a complication. •    War •    Combat •    Imprisonment •    Accidents •    Assault •    Rape •    Physical/Mental Harassment •    Industrial accidents •    Murder •    Personal Injury These events are usually negative in nature. It depends entirely on an individual to react to such events. While some individuals tend to take incidents into their stride and move on, others may not show the same kind of courage. People More Prone To Suffering From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder People who have been a part of difficult circumstances are usually prone to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. According to a ...

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The pressures, anxieties, frustrations and conflicts that we have to face in our daily life, contribute to arise severe stress disorders in our life. Such, conflicts, pressures, and frustrations have mainly become common and a part of our life so far. They act like a slow poison and are capable of producing many mental illnesses among people. However, sometimes there are extraordinary events that take place in our lives. They are horrible, unbearable and abhorrent. For example, rape, earthquakes, assault, military combat, disaster or any accident. Hence, people who encounter such events may develop post traumatic stress disorder commonly known as PTSD. However, you might have heard about post traumatic stress disorder several times before, but usually people think that post traumatic stress disorders often develop after wars and military combats – this is true to some extent but several other extraordinary events also contribute to develop post traumatic stress disorder in people. However, the symptoms and signs of post traumatic stress disorder are quite confusing and are not easily identifiable. You may become irritable, aggressive, under stress, and anxious. There are a number of researches that have been done about post traumatic stress disorder to identify its symptoms and signs properly. Although these studies are quite helpful in producing an enormous amount of information regarding post traumatic stress disorder but still it is difficult to define its symptoms precisely. Symptoms Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder can create anxiety; disturb sleeping patterns, fear and anger in you. They ...

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