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Tag Archives: postmenopausal depression signs

What Are the Causes of Postmenopausal Depression

Postmenopausal condition is a very crucial stage in one’s life. Many hormonal changes are occurring in the body at very high rate. The psychological and physical effects in the menopause condition change the susceptibility of life in the women and this can trigger the depression symptoms. It is believed that the interaction of hormones like serotonin and estrogen is the reason for depression. The pre and post stage of menopause is very difficult and during this phase the women are seem to fall to the prey of depression. Why postmenopausal depression occurs As the men or women get older, there are sleep problems occurring. Due to insomnia they are not able to stay fresh and energetic during day. These sleep problems at older age increase and a need for alternative medicine depression is more in need in women than men. This may start with onset of menopause and continue till post menopause period. This long duration of sleep problems can cause depression. There are depression medications to overcome this phase. Melatonin is drug said to be useful to decrease the sleep problems. But this drug should be used for very short duration. The doctor will prescribe a limited dose of melatonin to overcome the sleep problems and feel fresh. You should not take the drug on over the counter basis. Treating postmenopausal depression Sometimes it might happen that the women have depression problems beforehand. In such women the onset of depression during menopause is likely to happen more than normal ...

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