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Tag Archives: postpartum psychosis

What is Postpartum Psychosis

Giving birth to a baby can actually trigger a variety of very powerful emotions, you could feel excited and filled with joy, or you can be overcome by fear and anxiety. Giving birth can also result in something that you may not even expect – postpartum psychosis (also known as Puerperal Psychosis). A lot of new mothers experience the well known “baby blues” shortly after they have given birth;  which typically include crying spells, mood swings and unipolar depression treatment that come and go quickly. But there are a couple of new mothers that experience a pretty severe, and long lasting type of depression called postpartum psychosis. Postpartum Psychosis Information According to medical experts, postpartum psychosis is known to be a rare illness in comparison to the rate of anxiety or postpartum depression. This form of depression is also known to occur on about one to two out of every thousand child births or about one percent of births. The start of this illness is typically sudden; most times it occurs within the first four weeks postpartum. It is important to know what is postpartum psychosis symptom or symptoms; that way you will be able to seek medical attention immediately. Postpartum Psychosis Symptoms The symptoms of this illness can include any or all of the listed effects: •    Hyperactivity •    Quick changes in mood •    Hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not there) •    Strange beliefs or delusions •    Inability to fall or stay asleep •    Suspiciousness and paranoia ...

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Why Postpartum Psychosis Occurs

Postpartum Psychosis also called as puerperal psychosis is term generally use to identify mental illness for women with the sudden changes to their moods, some of hem become irritable, extreme mood changes and swings and women who often have these condition needs a mind specialist to get cured though some women who experience this hide this kind of feeling. Postpartum psychosis often occurred after giving birth and many people stated that it is an extreme dangerous mental illness because it may lead to worst scenarios. Aside from giving birth I believe that some of you are still curious what the other reasons of Postpartum Psychosis are. Reasons of Postpartum Psychosis To stop that curiosity or to give answers like what is a mental status examination for in your wondering mind let me give you some reasons of Postpartum Psychosis and these are the following: •    The first one is if you experienced this kind of illness before. •    Next in line is if you are experiencing any problem with the people around you. •    If you have many things that you needed to attend to or many burdens and problems in life. •    If your baby is unhealthy, or if you have colicky baby. •    If it runs in the blood and or hereditary or if someone in you family member has manic depression or bipolar disorder. How to know if you are experiencing Postpartum Psychosis Now, if you think that you may have experienced this kind of disorder or ...

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