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Tag Archives: prenatal depression remedy

Prenatal Depression Symptoms

Prenatal depression includes a range of mood swings experienced by 15 to 20 per cent of the women. Having a baby is a joyous occasion yet, some women go through anxiety and sadness. For some women these feelings persist and they need to consult a doctor, while in other women these feelings go away in a couple of weeks. Symptoms of Prenatal Depression Prenatal depression symptoms may include feeling of sadness, wanting to cry, tiredness, loss of enjoyment of activities which the woman enjoyed earlier, anxiety, loss of appetite etc. Prenatal depression makes women flustered. They wonder why they feel so low instead of feeling ecstatic. Sometimes the very thought of child birth terrifies women. Research says it is common for woman who feels prenatal depression to also feel postnatal depression. While there is a lot of talk about post natal depression, prenatal depression is less discussed and it goes unnoticed. Hormones While hormones are generally blamed for this condition, the prenatal depression symptoms can intensify if the pregnancy is not planned, or there are relationship issues and financial strains on the couple. Antidepressant drugs during pregnancy are not good for the baby. Hence alternative treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy that works towards changing the behavioral patterns are considered. Herbal Supplements for Depression There are herbal supplements for prenatal depression. They have no side effects as they are made from natural ingredients extracted from plants and flowers and roots. The Kava- Kava root has relaxing properties and soothes the central ...

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Treating Prenatal Depression

Expecting a young one in the family is certainly a reason to be happy. However, studies reveal that as many as 20 percent of expecting mothers find it difficult to enjoy the same and have symptoms of prenatal depression. The things get worse when you get to know that 50 percent of those having symptoms of prenatal depression develop postnatal depression and induced depression as well. This is certainly a serious condition and calls for corrective action. Treating Prenatal Depression When it comes to treating Prenatal Depression, the very first thing you need to do is consult your doctor and let her analyze the symptoms to get to a conclusion. Depending on the severity of symptoms and personal preferences, you can opt for any one of the below. The doctor may also suggest you to go in for a particular combination for better results. Support Groups Support groups are quite effective when it comes to curing prenatal depression. You not only discuss the details with an expert counselor but also get a chance to interact with other expecting mums and understand their problems and ways they have opted to cope with the same. Discussing the details with others always has a positive effect on the mind. Support from members of the family is also of great help. Psychotherapy Treating Prenatal Depression with Psychotherapy is quite common and provides good results. Based on your preference, you can either opt for four to six sessions of interpersonal psychotherapy or CBT (Cognitive Behavioral ...

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Prenatal Depression

Prenatal Depression is common among expecting mothers and around 70 percent experience the symptoms. The stress of pregnancy results in depression even if the pregnancy is well planned. Any complication can lead to intensification of the symptoms. Hormonal changes during the period also lead to anxiety. About Prenatal Depression – Risk Factors Interestingly, a few risk factors increase the chances of a woman suffering from Prenatal Depression. A few of these include •    Family or Personal History: If you or a member of your family including parents or siblings has struggles with depression in the past, chances of your feeling the same during pregnancy are high. •    Problems with Pregnancy: Prenatal depression is also common in women who had a complication during the buildup to pregnancy. This could be difficulty in conceiving, fertility treatment, pregnancy loss and being pregnant with twins among others. •    Stressful Life: Financial worries, emotional worries and work life related worries along with physical or emotional abuse can lead to a stressful life. An expecting mother who has faced these in the past is likely to be more venerable against the depression. •    Difficulties related to Relationship: An unsupportive partner can be a big reason behind the prenatal depression and things are likely to get worse with the arrival of a young one. About Prenatal Depression – Symptoms Some of the symptoms related to depression type include •    Difficulty in concentrating •    Irritation to everything around •    Excessive crying •    Feeling bad and empty throughout the ...

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