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Tag Archives: prepartum depression

Treating Prepartum Depression

Have you got the pregnancy blues? Well, don’t worry. You are not alone. All of us may have heard of this term postpartum depression, but not many may be aware that this term prepartum depression where many women suffer from depression during their pregnancy. There are certain signs and symptoms of prepartum depression that can be easily identified. What Is Prepartum Depression Pregnancy is a time of pure wonder and joy. Unfortunately this is not the case with all. For many women, this term can be extremely sad and disappointing and is similar to something like bipolar disorder and low sex drive. This type of pregnancy related depression is increasing and there are a variety of methods available today for treating prepartum depression that can give results. In fact this type of depression can affect one in five pregnant women and often remain unnoticed. The symptoms of prepartum depression like lack of sleep and change in the appetite can be overlapping with the usual normal signs of pregnancy. This may be confusing. If you come into contact with some one who is suffering from this disorder then you should try and help them by taking them to the physician who can cure this disorder. Understanding The Warning Signs Diagnosing depression in pregnancy is difficult as most of the symptoms are similar to what may occur in the normal pregnancy. Also during this time, clinical assessment effects may get you feeling the prepartum depression symptoms. However, it is important to note ...

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Prepartum Depression

Depression has no definite root cause and a number of reasons can trigger it. Postpartum depression is a commonly known form of depression and it has been subjected to much research by the researchers. However, the phenomenon of prepartum depression is relatively unknown and most women suffering from it are not even aware that there is such a thing as prepartum depression and may know eventually from the effects of a mental status examination. The hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy cause prepartum depression and it might adversely affect the mother and the child if it is not treated immediately. Since it has recently been discovered, therefore, the symptoms are still treated like pregnancy blues although they are a lot more serious in nature. Cause of Prepartum Depression During pregnancy, a woman goes through a number of changes in her body and as a reaction of these changes, the mood swings take place. These mood swings, often called pregnancy blues, are completely normal as long as they do not interfere with the routine of the expecting mother and do not harm the baby. However, prepartum depression or melancholia effects might harm the fetus that is in the early stages of development. There has been much discussion about prepartum depression and the researchers have concluded that it might harm the baby if it is prolonged. According to the research about prepartum depression, the mother might face such problems if she has gone through a troubled childhood or any physical or ...

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