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Tag Archives: production of serotonin

How Is Serotonin Made

Serotonin is neurotransmitter that is known to help regulate metabolism, appetite and mood – serotonin is the body’s natural antidepressant. The body naturally produces serotonin, the brain produces just two percent of the body’s of serotonin, eating foods that are rich in protein amino acids is where the large part of the body’s serotonin comes from. A large number of the body’s serotonin is used by blood vessels and muscles. According to serotonin information foods that improve your mood during winter, the initial step in the brain’s production of serotonin is a process that involves the tryptophan enzyme in combination with oxygen and iron. Serotonin Information Although serotonin supplements are available as a natural antidepressant, but the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, tryptophan and branch chained amino acids is known to increase the body’s production of insulin. The secretion of insulin helps in the transportation of branch-chained amino acids to the body’s muscle cells and this allows more tryptophan to get to the brain. As soon as tryptophan reaches the brain, it is then converted to serotonin. According to serotonin information gotten from years of research, when carbohydrate rich foods are consumed, this causes serotonin induced drowsiness. Serotonin Effects Neurological perceptors’ regulation in the human body is controlled mainly by serotonin neurotransmitter bad moods neurons. The preceptors simply record stimulation from taste, touch and every other basic sense. The neurons can be found in the “raphe nuclei”. The base of the brain stem has a cluster of nuclei which ...

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