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Tag Archives: pure extasy

Pure Extasy

Extasy is known in the medical community as MDMA or3, 4 methylenedioxymethylamphetamine. Pure extasy contains unadulterated natural antidepressant MDMA substance which is included in the drug family of phenethlamines because of its chemical components and pharmacological structure. In essence, a pure extasy can be associated with MDA and mescaline which is another form of phenethylamine with hallucinogenic stimulating properties. According to extasy info, a pure extasy can have the same effects as other amphetamines with psychedelic effects. Additional extasy info also state that a pure extasy can cause hallucinations basically provoked by LSD. A pure extasy can be bought in powder form which is white crystalline in color and appearance. Pure Extasy Information Before, buying a pure extasy means purchasing it off the streets in a resealable bag in powder form. Today, pure extasy can be bought in tablet or pill form although it is quite hard to determine the purity of these drugs unless you use a purity test for extasy. The pure white color of extasy may slightly differ depending on the other substances contained in the pressed tablet. It is a lot easier to determine a pure extasy when you buy it in powder form but when you obtain it in its tablet form, it will be quite hard to determine the other substances included in it. Impure extasy may be brownish in color or off white and some extasy is combined with other drugs like ketamine. According to extasy info from online drug forums, some extasy ...

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