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Tag Archives: purpose of serotonin

What Role Does Serotonin Play in Our Health

According to top notch serotonin information, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is released by the brain’s neurons. Serotonin is produced from amino acid tryptophan, a component of protein which can be gotten from eating foods that are rich in protein amino acids. When the blood contains a high level of tryptophan, it immediately signals the brain to produce serotonin seasonal affective disorder. The body benefits from positive serotonin effects such as enhancing relaxation, promoting happiness through its natural antidepressant effects and promotes sound sleep as well. Serotonin Promotes Feelings of Well Being Aside from being a natural antidepressant, serotonin is also sometimes considered to be a happy neurotransmitter and also which environmental variables are related to the onset of seasonal affective disorder. Where there is a low level of serotonin in the brain, this can lead to fear and depression, when there is the right amount of serotonin secretion in the brain, it promotes feelings of well being, comfort and contentment. Serotonin information provided by experts in the field, Dr. Charles Grisham and Dr. Reginald Garrett, the brain produces serotonin when it receives the signal to do so.  One of the signals it receives is carbohydrate consumption; this explains the experience of feeling very happy and content after consuming starchy or sugary foods. Serotonin is a natural antidepressant that is very vital to happiness, as a matter of fact; individuals who suffer from depression receive prescribed medications to help the brain synthetically increase serotonin levels which helps to relieve depression ...

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